The Lord, the Lord God, the God who created the Heavens, the Earth, the Seas, and all that is contained in them is a family. This God family has eternally lived. This God is spirit-John.4:24, is righteous- 1john.3:7, is perfect, holy, true, eternal, love—name any aspect of perfection and He is there. In the past, God used to communicate to mankind through His picked servants-the prophets-Heb.1:1-2. What exactly did He communicate to mankind? We will all agree that God through His communication was, and up to now is revealing himself to human beings, explaining to them his way of life. What He told the prophets, and afterwards the apostles, He ordered them to write it down(isa.30:8) and it became His word-the writings of the bible. If we look into the explanation of what this word of God is, you will agree with me that it gives details of God’s life, for this word which is named God’s law is, love-1John.4:16, perfect-Psalm.19:7, spirit-Rom.7:14, eternal-1pet.1:25, is true-John.17:17 etc; these are all characteristics  of God as we have seen above. Since God is ever living, has been, is right now, and will be forever, then, it is an acceptable truth that His life(the word) is also everlasting. He has forever lived this way of life and it has permanently been the same; it doesn’t change with time or technology, for, “ Forever ,or Lord, thy word is firmly fixed in the Heavens-Psalm.119:89”. So, what is it that God is revealing to us through His word, His life? Why does He need to tell us about His life and have us read it in the Bible? We live surrounded by all manner of creatures. We see trees, animals, insects, waters, the air, dry land, and even some invisible forces which we know only by seeing their effects on visible objects(the like of gravity and pressure). Therefore, because we live and interrelate with this creation, then, it is important that we understand how to deal with it, us included.


                             With the word being God’s own everlasting life explained in writing, the only life that has been since eternity, then it’s true that all things were created in that life and they can operate successfully only according to it, for God tells us that, “By the word of God, the heavens were made, and all their hosts, by the breath of His mouth. He gathered the waters of the sea………. putting the deep in storehouses…………..He spoke, and it came to be, He commanded, and they became-Psalm.33:6-7,9”. If we are following keenly, I believe it is becoming clear that God’s word (His laws) is the very manual for His creation. It is the details of what everything is, and how it should operate- yes, what part it should play in the universal machinery for life to run smoothly. It is the very foundation on which all forms of life stands, and by which the same all life exists, for, “……God upholds the universe by the word of His power-Heb.1:3”. This being the case, we should therefore not waste time trying to amend this set-life. For surely, if for all eternity, God has lived it, and not at any given time, has He made amendments, who are we now at this time of the end to try and do so? Are we wiser than God? Trying any slight amendment is coating disaster. For surely, if this is the foundation on which the creation stands, then amending it means, destroying the whole structure to come up with a different one; and what will that mean?  What else other than destroying all life? But since God’s life is forever, whoever tries to amend it destroys himself, for, “………the ignorant and unstable twist it for their own destruction-2 Pet.3:16”. This is what is happening to planet Earth after man got deceived to stray from the foundation. Pointing to this, Isaiah wrote, “The Earth lies polluted under its inhabitants (Why?),for they have transgressed the laws(tried to amend it), changed the statutes, and broken the everlasting covenant- Isa.24:5-6”.  Brethren, if we want to know, then, this is the everlasting foundation on which all life stands, and by which it will exist. All creation may perish, but not with this foundation. Our lord made it very clear, that, “ it is easier for heavens and the Earth to pass than for one dot of the law(the word-the foundation) to become void-Mat.5:18”.


                           The universal creator, who is also the same universal owner and ruler decided to expand His family. For all eternity and up to now, the God family consists of two members, namely, the word and God-see John.1:1-3(for details on this, ask for our message, “The only true God”). The family therefore discussed, and came to an agreement, saying, “And God(one family) said, ‘ let us(the two members) make man in our image, and our likeness…….to rule upon the Earth-Gen.1:26”.  Before we continue, understand what you are, and why you are please. All human beings were created to be members of the eternal universal ruling family of God. But now, how do we become like God? God is what He is because He freely chose to be so. He doesn’t live that way to be seen by men; He doesn’t do it in search of praise, or support. God lives that life because He knows it to be better than any other-it’s perfect. For this reason, even though He wants all men to live like Him, God can’t force it on us. We have to freely choose to live it before He grants it. He therefore created us, free moral agents so that we can freely choose what we want. I know most of us don’t know it; but let me tell you; we were created in these physical bodies for choice making, and for developing the character of our choice. For this reason, God didn’t create a spirit being like Him. He created a man of, “…..the dust of the ground, and breathed into His nostrils, the breath of life(oxygen), and man became a living being-Gen.2:7”. Unlike Him( of spiritual nature), God created a physical man. What happened? God wants a man who is like Him. Why then the physical and He is spirit? Know and understand that man’s creation is not an instantaneous thing. It is a process. Therefore, this physical is just the first step, for God tells us, “ it is first the physical, then afterwards, the spiritual. For as we have borne this physical, we shall(in the future) bear the spiritual also- 1 Cor.15:46,49”. And again, “……and from their, we await for our Savior who will change our vile bodies that they may be like His glorious one-Phillip.3:21”. We have heard a widely accepted notion that, Adam was created a holy man, but he fell from his holiness and became evil. There has never been a lie which is greater than this. If we have to make a choice on what life to lead, then we can’t have been created with that holy nature, for this will mean, God choosing for us. Therefore, know and understand that, Adam was neither holy nor evil at creation. He was at zero, at the beginning point (for details, request for our message, “what is man”). His choice was to determine which character he was to develop, whether evil or holy. Remember, We were created to live by that same eternal life(foundation) of God, but we have to make a choice on it. When God finished creating the physical man, He placed him in the Garden of Eden. It was now Adam’s turn to choose what life he was to live. Satan was already ruling, and upto now, he is the ruler of this world( our message, “Who is Satan” has details). So, God placed the two lifestyles before the man, saying, “ of the fruits of the trees in the garden, you may eat. But, of the fruits of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, you shall not eat, for in the day you eat of it, you shall surely die-Gen.2:16-17”. The tree of life, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil(Gen.2:9) are representatives of two different lifestyles, namely, God’s life which is forever, and Satan’s life which is short, leading to death(our message, “the two trees” has details). Adam chose the way of Satan, the way that brings death, for against God, He listened to Satan, and ate of the forbidden fruit(Satan’s life of disobedience against God’s eternal law(foundation)-See Gen.3:4-6. Because God doesn’t force his will on anybody, He also stopped the creation process, and man remained a physical being who is short lived and packed with problems because of ignorance- see Job.14:2; Eph.4:18. At this point, man rejected the very foundation on which he is built, yes- the very design which is his life. Since all life is designed in that word, then, outside the word is death. Did this mean God’s failure in expanding His family?


                   As we have seen, God is a family, which right now has two members. One of the members, who is Jesus Christ tells us that the family is very united. He says, “ The son does nothing, except what he sees the father do. For what the father does is also what the son does-John.5:19”. How is this possible? Because they share the same lifestyle originating from the same mind called the holy spirit which makes, “the father and the son(the family) to be one-John.10:30”.  Human beings were created to join this oneness of the family, for Christ continues to say, “ that which we have heard(which was since the beginning-see 1John.1:1), we proclaim also to you, that you may have fellowship(association) with us; and our fellowship is with the father and His son, Jesus Christ-1 John.1:3”. This is possible only when every individual has freely chosen to live by that one life. It is this everlasting life (the word) which unites the family members. But now, man, after choosing the way of death, got, “…..alienated from that everlasting only life of God because of the ignorance that overtook them, and their hardened hearts- Eph.4:18”.  Since this only life was, even before creation, and is the only life there is in the entire universe, man, after rejecting it began a life of self destruction by the ill- fated lie of Satan. But because God’s purpose must be accomplished, after some period of time, the family  sent one of its members, the word who became Jesus Christ(see John.1:1-2,14), to mankind. He wasn’t coming to introduce a new or different lifestyle. Remember what we saw, how this life has been since eternity and will remain forever. So, if any form of creation will endure, it will be by living according to this word (the everlasting design). Christ therefore came to re-introduce man to this same life, reminding him of the everlasting foundation on which his life stands, and the family in which he should be a member after freely choosing to live by this life (the word). God’s plan through Jesus Christ was that same original one, for by reminding man of this life, He intended to, “… bring many sons into his glorious family(human beings changed into spirit beings)-Heb.2:10”.  Those who accepted and believed the message were given what Adam rejected, to eat of the tree of life which is actually, the receiving of the holy spirit that enables one to acquire God’s knowledge( His word) by which one lives and so develops the glorious holy character of God. Of this life, which is the word (the law), our Lord says, “ it is the tree of life”; “this word is spirit and life”; “it is the mind of Christ”; “it is the power of God-Prov.3:18; John6:63; 1 Cor.2:16; Act.1:8”. In these believers, God began, and up to now, He has entered into the second phase of creating man, which is spiritual and begins with the acquisition of God’s knowledge(the word) which becomes one’s mind, by which, one begins to do according to the word, and so begins to develop the Godly behaviors, for one begins to be, “renewed in the spirit of his mind, and putting on the new nature, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness-Eph.4:23-24”. In everyone who accepts this message which God sent Christ to bring to all human beings, which explains the very purpose of our lives, God restores His creation process, and at this point, one “receives adoption as a son,… beginning to call God, our father,abba-Gal.4:5-6”. It is these, whom Christ named the Church, a people in whom, the spirit of God dwells and has become their mind, with the word(the everlasting foundation) becoming their knowledge by which they live.

                                                    UNITY RESTORED

                              Because these believers have assumed membership in God’s one family, then they also become one in it, for of them, our Lord says, “ that they may be one; even as thou father are in me and me in you, that they may also be in us-John.17:21”. With the everlasting foundation being one, then it obliges everything that abides on it to be united in it. The whole universe is one on that foundation. The God family in which these believers have entered is one, which is made possible by everyone living the same life (the word). God’s intention of establishing His church was not to create the so called Christianity. Actually, it wasn’t God, or Christ who called the believers Christians. It was men who named them after the messanger- Christ-see Act.11:26. As He continues to create the believers spiritually(developing His mind and character in them), He also purposed that they be His witness to all human beings about the life, which was since before the creation, and the only life, which He wants every man to live by, for He says, “…to make all men(not just Christians) see what is the plan of the mystery hidden for ages in God who created all things; that through the church, the manifold wisdom of God(his everlasting life) might now be made known…..Eph.3:9-10”. In the midst of a divided disagreeing world packed with chaos, God through the Church began to show human beings, His intended one- united-loving- family in which all those who will freely choose to live His life will be born(see our message, “in search for peace”). Testifying to this, our Lord says this concerning the Church; “Now the company of those who believed where of one heart and soul-Acts.4:32”. There is no other purpose for the Church, or for the preaching of the gospel, except this only. Which? That of drawing if possible, all human beings back to the creation table, for God wants to complete them, and so bear many sons into His family. So, the Church will be itself, and doing it’s work only if it continues to display this oneness, for Christ says, “…by being one, it will make the world know that this messager(Christ) was sent by God-John.17:21”. And again, “by loving one another, the world will know that we are His followers-John.13:35”. Therefore while the world displays Satan’s nature of divisions,disagreements,strives and fighting, the Church displays God’s nature(and the only one that makes life) of, love, peace and unity, for the Lord admonishes the Church to, “ maintain the unity of the spirit(by which it will be a light to the world) in the bond of peace; one faith, one calling, one spirit, one baptism, one Lord, one God(family)-Eph.4:3-4”. So, God through the Church restored His original purpose of the one family, and so began to show all human beings what they need to know and do for a right and fulfilling living.


   Satan who since the beginning has rejected and opposed God’s life, in his guise, attacked the Church by introducing his agents, “….who come as angels(messangers) of light(God’s servants), and yet, they are(like Satan) false prophets- 2cor.11:14-15”. Through them, Satan has succeeded to strike and scatter the once unified Church of God, and so, stopped it from doing the work of God for which it was established, that of showing the world the everlasting oneness and love of God’s family and life. He has introduced another movement calling itself the Church, divided into thousands of competing, disagreeing groups. Of them, our Lord says, “they are of the world; and what they speak is of the world, and the world listens to them-1 John. 4:5”. This is why, unlike the only united one Church of God, which witnesses to the oneness of God’s one family, these groups display the exact nature of the world, which is Satan-oriented, that of divisions, thus trying to bury God’s purpose. Our Lord says, “ It is these who cause divisions, worldly people who don’t have the mind(spirit) of God-Jude.1:19”. It is these divided groups which have formed The Leodicean Church, characterized by self-centered, self- seeking-locked- minds, going by what, “….their itching ears want to hear- 2 Tim.4:4”. They are also a people, who are very difficult to advise, because, after falling away, the love for this true life faded, and the word has become a dry born to them, one that doesn’t mean much, and which according to them, doesn’t have the changing power any more. Though they know it all, when preached, it doesn’t impact any awakening strength on them. All they think is, “I know all what this preacher is teaching. I have read it all through-see Rev.3:17”. Therefore, this word of life has become to them, like a mere tale, for, “……they say to one another, ‘come and hear what the word is, that comes from the Lord’. ……..and they sit before you as my people, and they hear what you say, but will not do it. For with their lips, they show much love, but their hearts are set on their gain (see Acts.20:30)-Ezek.33:30-31”. And because each one has turned inward, becoming carnal in every way, just like the world, then the very light to the world has also disappeared from them, and now, they are, “ ….not only living like the world, but also approving what it’s doing-Rom.1:32”. How does the world live? “They set up divisions(denying the oneness for which they were called), worldly people, who haven’t the spirit(of oneness and love) of God-Jude.1:19”. Brethren, Leodicea is not doing the work which Christ assigned to His Church, neither are they on the creation table(the very everlasting foundation on which they were established), where God is doing finish-ups to those who have remained there.

That Philadelphian love for the brethren is no longer in them. While God’s church members remember, pray for, and try to reach each other every time, these people no longer miss their brethren, and so, don’t witness any more to the world, about what Christ instructed them-“the love”. We are living in a time when deep darkness has covered the Earth, and darkness has covered the people- Isa.60:1-3; when the true witnesses of God are very weak and almost at the point of collapse. For this reason, God is here calling His people, saying, “ Lift up your drooping hands, and strengthen your weak knees, and make straight paths for your feet, so that what is lame may not be put out of joint but rather, be healed-Heb.12:12-13”. Brethren, this is our condition right now? Will we let ourselves collapse totally, or we will heed our saviors call? Have we become comfortable in Leodicea(the spiritual Babylon where we are now worshiping the image of the beast-men’s organized groups) or we yearn for Zion and want to go back?


God has never at any age given up His work. From Adam all through Abraham, Israel, the apostles, up to the Right now Church, “ God has persistently sent to mankind by His messagers, because he has compassion for them, and for His dwelling place( He has a desire for the work of His hands-Job.14:15)- 2 Chronicle.36:15”.  In this deep darkness, the message you are reading is His awakening- one, for those who have ears to hear. He has once more sent His servants through whom, Christ’s voice is being very loud now. For He must, “ Prophesy again to many peoples, nations, tongues and kings-Rev.10:11”. What is Christ prophesying again? About the unchanging everlasting foundation, even his eternal life in which all creation and life is build, and which, those who will come to it will be one, and so will do the last work of witnessing to the world about it, with power and signs, this voice is from Him through His servants who have obeyed His command to, “Arise and shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you-Isa. 60:1-3”. Are we here, trying to campaign for following, and so intending to come up with a group which, like the rest, will claim supremacy above others, claiming to be the only ones who have Christ? Understand if you can please. When a leader speaks over the Radio. Do we say the Radio has spoken? Do we go and gather around the Radio if the leader was calling for people to follow him? Surely, common sense will not permit that. Watch out friends lest you be among those spiritually blind, who, “ see and therefore attribute the message to the messager instead of the one who sent him- Rom.1:25”. This is the same blindness which has formed the divided groups, and all done outside the very foundation on which life is build( and which is what God has sent His messagers to bring to the realization of all human beings), “ for people have stopped listening to sound doctrine, because they have itching ears, and have accumulated teachers who teach what they want to hear( See-Isa.30:10-11); and they have turned away from the truth(the foundation-word),and are wandering into fables- 2Tim.4:3-4”.  We are bringing this point because, Christ through this message, is in the process of calling His church from the spiritual Babylon(Leodicea), and regathering it in Himself. But this will be understood by the chosen few only, for, “no one can know the father except the son, and no one knows the son except the father, and anyone unto whom Christ reveals Himself to- Luke.10:22”. The imposters who are themselves blind, can only understand, and so adhere to the physical. And because their interest is to gather people for their gain, so they think we who are voicing this message are on their like mission. But our strength is based on the knowledge that, those whom Christ is calling from Babylon do understand His voice, and when they hear it, they will follow him. So we are not concerned with men’s judgment, especially those of the blindness. We are not even concerned with ourselves, what we may like as persons. We ourselves are coming out of Babylon, and as we go out, we are also obeying the command of our savior, to, “…..those who hear also shout, “come-Rev.22:17”. God’s purpose for His people whom He has named the Church has not changed, that of, “….declaring the wonderful deeds of Him who called you from darkness to his marvelous light- 1 Pet.2:9”. What are these deeds? Which else other than to be made like Christ(light), and so display the same light to the world; a good reason why Isaiah is telling us to rise and shine amid this present darkness. We can’t shine a light we don’t have. God’s life which is explained in His word, “ is the light-Ps.119:105”. It is this word you are reading in this message(prove from your bibles please). Therefore, no one will shine this light by mere joining of a group of one’s preference, or by merely, accepting a speaker of one’s admiration. It is only those who are given to understand, who will realize that this word is not ours but His who sent us, who is the Christ they are seeking for. So, after these realization, and after freely deciding to go back to it, they will have heeded to their Lord’s plea to, “… buy from Him gold( see Psalm.19:10) refined by fire, …….and white garments( see Rev.19:8)……to keep the shame of your nakedness from being seen,……and salve to anoint your eyes that you may see-Rev.3:18”. This fulfills our commission, for our Lord has truly chosen us, and sent us to you as His, “..servants,… open the eyes that are blind-Isa.42:7”.  Those who will heed to this message will also open their hearts, as  they did in the beginning when they first believed( see John.14:23), so again, “… they will open for Christ, and He will come into their hearts and dine with them-Rev.20”. Once Christ enters their hearts, then they will be fixed back into the stem( John.15:4-5), the body where they will also be joined into others who are their fellow body parts( Eph.4:16). What for? If you have ears to hear, then get it please. “…that by your oneness, the world may know-John.17:21( 13:35)”. Who is joining this people together? Is it we who are now preaching to you? Is it not the Christ whose word you are reading? What is binding them together? Is it their own agreement? Is it not when everyone individually has got back to the word(the very foundation, life on which one is build),that they automatically find themselves together? Is it not through this word that God through Jesus who created all things by the word, and without it, nothing has been made-John.1:3, is gathering His church to Himself? The group which Christ will form here is very different from the groups we are seeing right now( for details, read our message, “The church government”). It will consist of a people who have individually gone back to the creation table, the very foundation on which all life is build; actually, it is the life itself, for, hope of eternal life which God who cannot lie has promised ages ago,… the proper time, He has manifested it in His word through the preaching…Titus.1:2-3( see our message, “seek for honor)”. Brethren, if you have keenly read and followed this message, you will truly agree with us that, the word of God is His own life, and the very life on which everything  fetches it being(man included-Acts.17:28), and is the everlasting foundation which was, is now, and will be forever and ever. It is about the everlasting kingdom of God’s family for which we were created, and is known by its loving nature, and oneness of purpose. This is what and why the Church, and is the foundation on which Christ created man, and what He has been preparing man for, for to those who will heed to this restoration message, He says, “ To him who overcomes, I will grant to sit with me on my throne, just as I overcame and sat with my father on His throne-Rev.3:21”.  This is the everlasting foundation which lasts for all eternity. Which man is there who wishes to live forever? Choose this day, for God has through Jesus Christ replaced again before our own eyes, and through this message, the very cornerstone where that endless life abides. “ If you wish to inherit it, keep the commandments-Mat.19:17”. God’s commandments are one set of life which is strictly one in all aspects though accommodating independent entities. It makes those who adhere to it become one family, one group, because they have nothing to differ about, seeing that they are harboring the same mind, which gives them the same knowledge, thus making them to do the same things. On the other hand, Satan’s life is another set of life which is fragmented into millions of differing traditions and cultures and keeps fragmenting into  more and more identities, which keep fighting, disagreeing, and separating, and which, if allowed to continue will wipe out life from this planet Earth, for our Lord says, “ And if those days were not shortened, no single human being will be saved- Mat.24:22”. Therefore brethren, as free moral agents, we have the two lives revealed clearly before us. Choose now; but it is God’s desire that we choose life- His word, “…which endures forever- 1Pet.1:25”.

You are listening to this voice coming to you from your creator through his servants,

                              THE ENDTIME CHURCH OF GOD,

                                   EAST AFRICA, KENYA-NAIROBI.

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