Christ told His disciples, and He is telling everyone who believes in Him the way they did in their days. “….. you are not of the world, for I chose you out of the world, therefore, the world hates you-John.15:19”. All those who profess to worship God in the today’s world, do identify themselves with this verse, and strongly and openly confess not to belong to this present world. Are they true to their profession and talk? As usual, don’t rush into an answer. First, accept the challenge which this message is posing before you, and as you take it, please be in your heart, searching whether all that fills it is in line with what the creator says here, so that in your answer, you speak God’s word, the only truth there is in the entire universe-Psalm.18:30”. As a beginning point, it is always advisable to understand the meaning of any word we apply in any talk, so that, when we follow its dictates, it is with knowledge. Our word at question here is the world. What do we mean by the world? When God was creating, there was no one else, so He is the only authentic teacher. So then, what does He say the world is? “do not love the world, or the things in the world. ……..For all that is in the world, what?……..the lust of the flesh, lust of the eye, and the pride of life; these do not come from God but from the world-1 John.2: 15-16”. If we go into man-made explanations, we find that they don’t differentiate between the earth and the world (see advanced learner’s oxford dictionary). But the author of life says that the world is an age with its nature of life (the way of planning and doing in that life) – yes, a civilization. This is why, while this world is passing away-1 John.2:17, the earth itself will remain and endure forever-Ecles.1:4. Christ confirms what we are saying here when He promises to be with us until the end of this age (world)-Mat.28:20(this lifestyle). It is the foundation of this world which in the very near future is going to crumble-Mat.7:26, not the earth. In conclusion brethren, it’s always important and true to think about a lifestyle, every time we hear the word, world. Now that we have it, let’s go back to our topic please. Of which world do you belong to? To be sure, we need to consider the nature attributes of each world, then see which of them forms our hearts, and minds.
Have we ever wondered why we think, feel, desire, talk and do the way we do, all which combined forms our lives? Who taught us to live that way? Why did we accept? How did we prove and therefore know it to be the true and right way of living? Before we go into the search for answers to this questions, it’s important to bear in mind that, man doesn’t have his own knowledge, neither has he the power to produce knowledge on his own( our message, “ What faith?”, will give details please). It therefore means, all we use as knowledge, by which we live is acquired from some source outside of us. That being the case, from where then did we acquire knowledge, which gave us to live the way we are doing? All learning and its application of the present world began in Eden, with Adam and Eve, and they acquired it from Satan, who is a deceiver-Gen.3:4-6; John.8:44; Rev.12:9(get details of this from our message, “It is Satan”). It is this lifestyle whose attributes are lusts of the flesh, lusts of the eye, and the pride of life-1 John.2:16. We all know that, Satan brought about this world civilization, as a result of rebelling against God; meaning, whatever is entertained in it, cannot uphold or, walk along God’s life, yes, it is hostile to God, and it can’t submit to His way-Rom.8:7. Since it is God who created all things, man included, and with a purpose of doing so, anyone who resolves to submit to His will must first come out of the world-Rev.18:4; Jerem.51:6. All of us began with this world, and up to now, we follow with it in a very great way. Coming back to our above questions, the answers we will get from almost everyone who is questioned about why they do the way they do, is based on a learning from our parents, teachers, fellow-workers, yes, what we have heard and seen from those who were before us. This learning fetches its roots all the way back from Adam, the first parent. What’s wrong with the present world? Brethren, we are here for a purpose, and everything we do in life should be geared at achieving that purpose (we have a message with details on this, namely, “The two trees”).
In the same way a manufacturer produces a gadget to serve a certain purpose in life, so also, God created us for a purpose, which is, to make us spirit beings, and have us rule in His kingdom which He will restore here on earth( for more on this, please read our message, “Man’s creation process”). We are here in this physical life as a stage in the creation process in which, God is building His knowledge and behaviour in those who freely choose to accept His way of life. God’s life is so contrary to this world’s life such that, the two don’t share anything. One of the many witnesses we have, who lived that life on this earth in the past confirms the vast difference when he says, “the world has been crucified to me and I to the world-Gal.6:14”. What does this mean? If the world existed because of him, it would not be there because he doesn’t deal with it. Also, if he existed for the world, he would not be there because the world has nothing to do with him. Yes, “Whoever makes himself a friend of the world, becomes an enemy of God, for, the friendship of this world is enmity to God-James.4:4”. Why is it so? Is it just a mere line drawn between the two because someone has chosen to do it? The truth is, there is only one creator, who alone is also the giver of the only one life there is in the entire universe. We all know that, Satan became himself by rejecting that life. What does that mean? He said, “….. I will be like the most high-Isa.14:14”. So, since there is only that one life, and he rejected it, then, how will he be like God? It is not possible; instead of being like God, he became a destroyer of life, yes, a murderer-1 Cor.10:10; John.8:44. For this reason, what he began which is the now-world, is not life (for there is no other life apart from God’s), but a life-destroying practice (sin). He has used this lie to detouch the incomplete man from His creator, and with the big aim of killing everyone so that he may defeat God’s purpose.And because man accepted that lie when he had not as yet acquired knowledge, he has all through remained a fool-Rom.1:22. Let everyone of us look into, and around one’s self. What do we see? Greatly stressed hearts and minds, broken families, chaos in almost every nation, and sicknesses amid an advanced technological time, uncontrollable pollution which is poisoning food, air, and water, and many such like; and this, amid a highly educated people. Everything that man is engaged in is packed with more destruction than construction, proving that, what he is applying is not knowledge but ignorance, and yet, no one is ready to admit that, for every one is saying, we will not turn; we will follow our own plans-Jerem.6:16; 18:12. And because, the only knowledge about life is what God explains in His word, the law, which man has been deceived to reject, then God is wondering before us, saying, if they have rejected my law, then what wisdom have they-Jerem.8:9. With this rejection, God’s purpose for man, that of creating him into a spirit being, which began by the physical creation, and now needs acquisition of knowledge for behaviour development, was halted.
The present world is based on a lie, of a deceitful and corrupt nature-Eph.4:22. Therefore, since it is destructive, then, it must fall-Rev.18:4. Seeing that men have been deceived into it, does it then mean that, God’s purpose is defeated? By no means, for He did sent His messenger nearly two thousand years ago, who came and proclaimed a message on a coming kingdom of God, and how He will use man to bring it about-Mark.1:15. In His message, Christ the messenger never talked of changing the present-world-kingdoms and make them God’s. He said that all these present ones will be broken in pieces and become like chaff of the summer threshing floors….. and the wind shall carry them away, so that, not a trace of them shall be found-Dan.2:34-35. This message talks of a totally different coming world of which we preach, and which will be subjected to men after they are made spirit beings-Heb.2:5-9. If it is a different world, then, it necessitates a different life.For this reason brethren, it is very important that we understand every aspect of this present world, so that we can stop applying it. The best that most of us have done, and assumed they have come out of the world is dissociating themselves from the civil societies, from traditional religions, and lastly for those who have belonged in God’s Church which fell away, becoming Leodicea, they have quit these man-made groups. After that, they feel justified that they are out of the world, and are now living in the spirit, in union with God and Christ. Are they? Is this what it takes to truly come out of her? Listen to this and judge yourself in its light for an answer to our question please. I wrote to you in my letter not to associate with immoral men; not at all meaning the immoral of this world…..otherwise, it will mean you go out of the world…….1 Cor.5:9-10. What are we saying here? Coming out of the world isn’t necessarily the physical separating of oneself from those who live worldly, for surely, our work places, our businesses, and whatever we do for this physical nourishment is packed with these people. Christ explained this coming out in a clearer way, saying, I am not praying that you should take them out of the world, but rather, protect them from the evil one-John.17:15. Yes, we are living among them and dealing with them, but we need protection if we will succeed in coming out of them. This will not be of a physical nature, for our Lord says, for though we live in the world, we are not waging a worldly war, for the weapons of our warfare are of the spirit… destroy arguments, and every proud obstacle to the knowledge of God, captivating our thoughts to obey Christ- 2 Cor.10:3-5. I believe, with this information, we are nearer to the answer to our question about which world one belongs to.
As we began to see, it takes the acquiring of information (knowledge) from without, for a man’s mind to know what to do. Once that is done, the mind passes on that information to the body which translates it into action, which forms the behaviour of whoever is applying it, for, a person is known by what one does (fruits)-Mat.7:16; and this deeds come from the knowledge in the mind, for, out of the abundance of the heart, one speaks; and again, for out of the heart comes, Murder, adultery, theft, false witness, slander….Mat. 12:34; 15:19. Therefore brethren, know and understand that, for us to truly come out of the world, we must begin by removing the worldly knowledge, otherwise, we will only succeed in becoming hypocrites, whose work is to speak from the mouths while from their hearts(and this is what most of us are doing), they oppose what they say- Mat.23:1-3,25-26; 16:6. This is what the great majority of us are doing right now- sad to say. Where then do we begin?
All doing in one’s life is based on what one knows him/herself to be, and secondly, why one is. Based on this, the present world is built on the basis of the knowledge that, man is like God and so, he is here to possess, to control, and rule. Therefore, assuming to be a god, everyone plans his own life by imagining things and using those imaginations as knowledge. And because this is a lie, and is also being applied by one who is incomplete, who, unless his creator completes him, he can’t complete himself-psalm.127:1, It therefore means that, what man is doing ignorantly will only destroy, and ultimately kill him. In this blindness, man is only for himself, and secondly, for those who sing one’s music (accept his way). This way of life opposes every godly effort to develop man into the finished product which God wants- 2 thes.2:4. It does everything, strictly for itself- get, get, get. And because one is already like God, there is never any room for learning, one can only teach and instruct others. For this reason, the people oppress one another, every man his fellowman, and every man his neighbour; the youth is insolent to the elder, and the base fellow to the honourable-Isa. 3:5. All this is done in an effort to prove one’s being as god. And why turn on, and against each other? Because in this physical life, we can only see and understand physical things. This is why, God and Satan are more of a talk than they are a reality. Are you like that, or you think you have come out of that system? Here, it’s not a matter of just saying no or yes; it’s comparing your behaviours with those of that system. If they are alike, then you have not come out. If they are different, then you have, for grapes must be from a grape tree, not a lemon tree-Mat.7:16. In this world, in an effort to play a god, one gets angry, hateful, threatening, domineering, despising, down-playing, partial, discriminative, and many such like. We behave this way because, our fellowmen don’t accept us the way we want, and so, these reactions are efforts to force them to do so. So, because our efforts to prove to others that we are gods don’t succeed, then one lives in fear, shame, scared, jealousy, envy, coveting, worried, depending on those who to him seem more able, pledging loyalty to fellowmen ,with faked obedience and support for the depended-on, and the such.This are the characteristics of the world-Gal.5:19-21, and they are all based on the flesh (the physical), which knows nothing about its creator, not its intended life. Yes, they base on the assumption that, one is a God, and also, after failing the prove-test, the fears, sorrows, yes, the desperation base on the realization (after trying to be) that, one is disabled in almost all his endeavours. All the rulers of the present kingdoms and nations are of this system. Of them, God says, they take your sons, appoints commanders for themselves, takes subjects to plough their farms and reap harvests, take your daughters, take the best of your fields and vineyards… and make you their slaves- 1 Sam.8:10-18. They talk of, and have value for material things only, because they all live on the physical level. Listen to any national address by any world leader. The talk is about, developing health care, food supplies, security, advanced housing, and anything that will keep one physically sufficient. The joys and achievements are, ability to drink, eat, go places, get praised and feared by others, etc; yes, the life’s goal is purely physical-phillip.3:19; Rom.8:5. This is what constitutes the world which we are being called out of, and has nothing to do with God’s purpose for human beings. Our Lord says, among this, we all once lived (we may still be there unawares)… following the desires of the body and mind, being by nature, children of wrath like all men-Eph.2:3. Look into yourself now through this message, which is God’s mirror, meant to show you the dirt in your heart-James.1:23-4; are you really out of this world, or one who only has information about a different world but, very much living in this present one?
Brethren, if we have followed this message understandingly to this point, then, I believe we are now in a position to understand more clearly why, those who were before us said that, this world is crucified to them and them to it-Gal.6:14. In case you have not, then get it please. The present world began by man being misinformed about himself, and the purpose of his being here. This resulted to the destructive living which we are seeing everywhere, for which, there is now a great need for deliverance from it. We all agree that, where a change of knowledge occurs, then an obvious change of application (behaviour) must occur, otherwise, there will be no change. Beware of a misinformed, purported God-worship, which calls Christ Lord, Lord but won’t do what He commands; and because they don’t obey,their worship is in vain- Luke.6:46; Mark.7:7. I am very sure no one among us would want to waste their lives, even though we are doing it ignorantly. But this information is meant toopen our eyes, and free us from this ignorance-Isa.42:6-7. With this awareness, let every one of us now go back to one’s heart, and confirm our world of dwelling. Like our forefathers, we have discovered the lie about this present world, and have turned (repented) completely, having totally nothing to do with it from now hence. How will that be possible? It begins only in those who now know themselves, according to what, and why God says they are. Are you ready with that? Examine yourself according to God’s word please for an answer. To begin with, unlike the world, God says that you and I are dust-Gen.3:19(see more on this in a message, “Man’s creation process” please). This man of dust is only half created, for he is in the image of God only-Gen.1:27; 1 Cor.15:46,9, while God’s desire is to have him in both His image and likeness-Gen.1:26. In this stage, man isshort-lived and perishable-Job.14:2-3, and has no self-knowledge except he learns from without. It is those who have accepted themselves to be in this nature, who have come, or are coming out of the world. This man God is talking about here is the one who will inherit the coming world, and who can rightly say, I am not of this present world.
Having put off all that we have been, with its aim (the present world- Eph.4:22, we have remained blank, and like new born babies, we are learning from our father- 1 pet.2:2; John.5:19. For this reason all those reactions which based on knowing ourselves according to our former knowledge, whether anger, or hatrate, pride or partiality, be it fear or sorrow, all this attributes should have, or are disappearing, seeing that we have been renewed in the spirit of our minds, and are putting on new attributes, thus causing new and different reactions- Eph.4:23-24; Gal.5:22. And because we now no nothing, except that which God tells us, then, we can no longer do according to what we think, but are always careful to hear what God says about everything-Prov.3:5we think, desire, do, and say. Here brethren, there is an obvious shift of position. For if we are now carefully listening to God, so that we may do what He says, then, looking to, or listening to any man( except only if one is passing God’s information) will completely cease, thus, putting your trust to no man, not in princes or kings, for in them is no help-Psalm.146:3. No help in a king, in a president! Yes, such was when we only knew the physical, but now that we are introduced to the spiritual, then we know how worthless we and our fellowmen are, forwhen our breath departs, we return to our earth, and our plans perish-Psalm.146:4. If we have, or will take this position, then, all human positioning of our former system, i.e., classes, partial standards, discriminative values, yes, whatever used to count as achievement or failure in life will disappear for it was all based on a lie-Jerem.16:19, foolishness, and nothingness-Rom.1:22; Gal.6:3. If we don’t know, then let’s understand please. This is what our example, Jesus Christ understood to take the position of fearlessly, being truthful, entertaining no care for any man, nor regarding any man’s position-Mat.22:16. For unless all human beings get further created from where we are, all we will do, whether learned or illiterate, whether a king or a rich man, is to crash and die; or, don’t we believe Christ when He says, without God, you can do nothing? And again, not by your power, but by His, that you will be able; that, unless He takes us through our lives course, all our efforts will be in vain-John.15:5; Zech.4:6; Psalm.127:1?If you don’t, its high time you did, for surely, we are a building under construction, which is dumb before its constructor, and all it does is bent whichever way the constructor does it- Jerem.18:6, unquestioningly, for it has no sense except going the constructor’s way. This is you and me in this new nature, which is actually the original one. Listen please to what our constructor says to confirm that we are only living as per his providence. If He should take back his spirit to himself, and gather to himself his breath, all flesh will perish together, and man will return to dust-Job.34:14-15. This because, no one can add an inch of life to himself-Luke.12:25.For this reason, to come out of the world must start with one positioning themselves fully in the hands of God for further creation which is, non- conditional and unquestioning obedience of faith to his word-Rom.1:5.
It’s very surprising and saddening too brethren, to see a great majority of the today’s church members, being deeply active in world politics. So much such that, they are even in an effort to try and correct a world that must pass away, yes, which cannot change. And this is simply because, they are deceived to imagine they have come out of the world while still very much in it. Whoever has truly come out of the world, God has made him a witness to all men; to make all men know the mysteries of life hidden in God before theages began-Act. 22:15; Eph.3:9; Isa.43:10. How will he do it? Go correcting the world leaders? Go taking sides with those leaders who may be fairer than others, and comment them before fellowmen? God forbid. If we have truly transferred from this world of darkness( ignorance), to the God’s one of light( knowledge)-Col.1:13, we have realised that, our reactions, responses and comments on issueshave changed to the totally opposite of the world’s way, which is what we have come out of. It’s only when we react, respond, and comment according to the new knowledge that we become God’s witnesses. God has appointed us to be a display to all those who see us, of his true life which He wants the same all men to live by. And we are able to do so because He is creating it in us, not because we are capable above others, for,its by God’s own non conditional providence, so no one can boast to be doing-Eph.2:8-9. We also know that, it is impossible for anybody to do it unless God is at work in Him to will and do, and for his own purpose, not for one’s self exaltation-Phil.2:13. For this reason, we know that the present world can’t do it, and being in that former fleshly mind we are coming from, they hate what we live by now, for, it is enmity to them-Rom.8:7. Knowing it all well, Our Lord prepared us in advance when He says, and you will be hated by all men for my name’s sake-Mat.10:22. Will we be hated because we go telling these people that they are wrong, they will go to the lake of fire, and they are ignorant and the like? Not even in the least.
After realising what and why this flesh is, we are no longer siding with, nor trying to save it by doing what it appeals for. So, like Christ our example, we endure suffering, and despise shame-Heb.12:2. Why do it? For we now know that this body was created to test us, whether we will firmly choose to live God’s life, a good reason why it was created with a nature that, fights with the spirit of God in our minds; and so that, by it, those who choose Satan’s way may die-Rom.7:23; 8:13. So, whenever we react, respond and do things according to this coming- world’s nature, we automatically oppose the world. Get it please if you can. The present world is built on a tit-for-tat behaviour, and they say it’s a fair game. This is all Satan’s design to see people fight and kill each other. For those who have truly come out of the world, our way is, when reproached, we bless, when persecuted, we endure, when slandered, we try to conciliate- 1 Cor.4:11-13, for which reason, we have become a refuse to the world. Why? This is foolishness-1 Cor.2:14. Now please, you who call yourself a God worshipper, and claim to have come out of the present world, how will you succeed in employing this to the world and still be at comfort with it? Wake up please, and come to your senses. When done evilly, do good; when your enemy comes for help, assist him; when insulted, don’t insult back- Rom12:17; Luke.6:27; 1 pet.2:22. Tell me please; where can you in this new nature fit in the present world? And who is there, who will be able to live it if one doesn’t deny self? This kind of life is against Satan and His world, and it takes our becoming living sacrifices-Rom.12:1-2, to be able to live it amid this world. Therefore brethren, know and understand that, we won’t be hated by the world for confronting it, but for(by our deeds not talks) displaying the good life before them, which is automatically disapproving of their ways. And because they want to remain justified by their fellowmen, in their wrong deeds, they will surely silence you, most probably by elimination. They did it to all the prophets, to Christ, and all the apostles, and it’s written, “all those who lead godly lives in this world will be persecuted- 2Tim.3:12”. Tell me please; who is there among the today’s world leaders who lives godly so that, you who have come out of the world may comment him for a good life? Not a single one, neither is there any of them who will support you in this godly nature. For each wants to play the most powerful, the wealthiest, the militarily greatest, most technological, the most superior etc. With this kind of stand, whom among them can God comment? How then can you engage in their affairs unless you are just like them? The flesh is against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh-Gal.5:17.We are here strictly as statues of righteousness, who are not aware of whether men are seeing for, talking about, or fighting, us, for all that fills our minds and efforts is to become like God, and simply because this is the life for which we were created. As we do that amid this world, as Moses told Pharaoh, when the world sees us worship our God in their midst, they will stone us. This is exactly how the world responds to any true God-worship. How then as God’s church can you try to pock your nose in this world affairs?Is this not the same world whose kings arrayed themselves, and its rulers gathered together against the Lord and His anointed one-Act.4:26-27? Isn’t this in confirmation of what Christ said, that, if they persecuted me, they will persecute you, and this, they will do because they don’t know the father who sent me-John.15:20? How come that you are in there, freely making comments purported to be God’s and they be at ease with you? It can only be because we are one and the same thing with them. The true church of God does not identify itself with the world in any way, nor does it try to convince the world about anything, except to live God’s life among it, that it may see, and this, for a witness only( not for the world to change). It’s after the world is infuriated and confronts us that, we give reasons for what we do, thus, testifying in an answer; otherwise, what have we to do in judging the world-1 cor.5:12? If so then, what is this ,one leader against another leader, to us? What is Christ’s example and advice to us? Let them alone, they are blind guides-Mat.15:14. And again, who made me a judge or divider among you (world)-Luke.12:14? Surely, if it were you and me today who were approached like Christ, we will want to play good and try to sort these men out, by telling the one not to deny his brother his right. But unlike us, Christ never entrusted himself to any man, for he knew what is in man- John.2:24. What? That as long as they are in their carnal minds (the present world), they can neither understand nor accept the right judgement. For this reason, why waste time playing a guitar to a goat?For if they have rejected the law of God, what wisdom have they? None. Therefore, the way of peace, they know not- Jerem.8:9; Isa.59:8. Seeing then that, these things are so,what manner of life ought we to live amid this world as those who look forward to the ushering in of the coming world of which we belong-2 pet.3:12; Heb. 2:5? It must be one that busys itself with preparing for that coming world. And since that world is spiritual, then the facilities necessary for that preparation must be spiritual too. This is why, even though we hunger, and face various needy circumstances, finding ourselves in need of deliverance many times, our Lord is saying(as though He is ignoring all our problems), I have given you all things that pertain to godliness; and I have shown you what is good, o’ man- 2pet.1:3; Micah.6:8. What does this mean? Abundance or scarcity, or, suffering or comfort, have nothing to add to, nor subtract from the spiritual life, for, nothing can separate us from the love of Christ except sinning (law breaking) only-Rom.8:37-8. We will therefore find that, all that we need to reach our spiritual goal, is doing God’s word, which applies in every circumstance. Yes, every circumstance, whether good or bad, whether comforting or threatening, whether spiritual or physical, is a spiritual test, and its success or failure, is determined by either, obeying or disobeying God’s word. Therefore God says, I have set before you, good and evil, blessings and curse, life and death-Deut.30:15, yes, the present world( the flesh with its desires), or the coming world( the spiritual life as per the word). Brethren, in everything one does in life, the two sides are there, and one must freely choose where to belong. It is the choice that one makes and does according to, which determines the world that one belongs to.This choice-making is not something we will talk about but rather, one that will be seen in our deeds. Seeing then the vast difference, and opposition there is between the two worlds, then, it is impossible to belong to and support Christ, and at the same time belong to and support any world leader, or the nation (people) he leads. Therefore, it is impossible for a God- worshipper to indulge in world politics of any kind, for, we can please and support Christ( thus being of the coming world), and at the same time, please and support men( the present world); for if up to now, we seek praises and support of men, we can’t be servants of Christ-Gal.1:10-11; for the friendship of this world is enmity to God( coming world)- James.4:4; because whatever is praised and supported by men is an abomination to God-Luke. 16:15. This is the true and plain position brethren. Christ is knocking at the door of every one of us-Rev.3:20, seeing that a great majority of His flock has strayed and mixed themselves with the world so much that, they are even freely campaigning for individuals of this world. Now that we have heard our saviour’s position, what do we do? Continue in this mix-up? In his knock, our saviour is appealing with great love to everyone saying, come out of them, and be yee separate from them, says the Lord, and touch nothing unclean; then I will welcome you, and I will be a father to you, and you shall be my sons and daughters, says the Lord almighty- 2 Cor.6:17-18. Have we heeded this call? We can only know by examining ourselves according to what God says concerning each world. Since the behaviours are plain, then, of which world do you belong? Grace and mercy be multiplied to as many as are of the coming world, whose message is what you are reading right here.
It’s coming to you from our Lord through His servant,