Everything done in life has a desired achievement. For that desire to be fulfilled, a very important ingredient is necessary. It is the knowledge of how to achieve it. As we all know, the human mind does not produce, nor does it have an inbuilt knowledge. It acquires knowledge through learning from some source.
With this in mind, let us come to our topic.
Christianity is a lifestyle which was introduced to mankind by Jesus Christ, who was sent by God, the creator of all things. Actually, this lifestyle is named after him, i.e. CHRIST (Christ-ian-ity). Today, we see so many people who claim to have understood and accepted it. Even though it is one style, the many who claim to live it differ in their practices and beliefs. Why?
Did Christ introduce it in different ways, thus, causing the confusion? If not, could there be some missing dimension in knowledge? Yes,could it be that people never understood him? These questions are directed to you the reader and, this message is the answers to the questions. Read through and examine yourself to prove whether you truly understood or you are imagining things.
Remember what we began by saying, a human mind can only acquire knowledge from without. So, before information is passed on to it either by someone else or by observation through experimenting, the mind can’t know anything.
Based on that, God who created all things, and who alone knows the same all, did sent his messenger- Jesus Christ.Whatever Jesus Christ taught was not His. He was reporting to mankind, delivering the message He was given by God our creator. This is why we are calling Him a messenger. About this God, He says, “No one has ever seen God; the only son (Jesus)… has made Him known to man.” And again; “No one has gone to heaven, but He (the Christ) who came from there…” And again “And the father (God) who sent me….His voice, you have never heard; His form, you have never seen.” See John. 1:18, 3:13, 5:37.
Now, Christianity being God’s lifestyle which He sent Christ to teach mankind can only be learnt and seen from Christ and not any other source. Yes, we can’t know God and His life unless we learn from Jesus, for He says, “I am the way, the truth and the life; no one comes to the father (God) except by me- John. 14:6.”
Now back to us. Did we learn the Christianity we are practicing from Christ? Don’t be in a hurry to say yes or no. lets listen to what he taught and judge ourselves by it.
The message which Christ passed on to human beings from God was about a coming of the kingdom of God which will rule over the whole earth. It was also calling for man to change his way of life and learn God’s way so that he may inherit, and rule, in that kingdom.
Hear what He is saying;”The time is fulfilled and the kingdom is at hand; repent and believe the gospel- Mark. 1:15.”
Which kingdom? And God said;”Let’s make man in our own image and likeness….that he may rule upon the earth- Gen. 1:26.”
So, Jesus is simply reminding us the purpose of our lives. Right now we don’t see Jesus. How do we learn from Him? Where is He that we may go to Him and learn?
Christ knew of the confusion which is in the world today for He warned saying, “Take heed that no one misleads you. For many shall come in my name, saying I am Christ and shall mislead many- Mat. 24: 4-5.”
We need to take this seriously. But how? Where is Jesus in the world today?
As we all know, Jesus is that word who was with God since the beginning-see John.1:1, 14. Yesterday, today and forever, He is the same-doesn’t change- Heb. 13:8.
After speaking (that message of God) to the prophets and later to the apostles, He instructed them to, “..Write it on tablets, and inscribe it in a book, that it may be for the time to come as a witness forever- Isa. 30:8; Jer. 30:1-2” And again, “that which was from the beginning…(read from the bible pls)1 John.1-3; 2 Pet. 1:16-17.”
It is in this written word of scriptures, where we will find and listen to Christ.
Friends, this is where we go( to the true church) and learn God’s will from Him, i.e., from the old and new testament which forms the bible. Read- John.3:34; 8:47.
But one will argue:“All those different groups carry and read the same bible. So which is which? Why the disagreement?”
Let’s understand please. The bible is that spiritual message sent to mankind through Jesus Christ. So it can only be rightly taught by Christ and Him alone, for God tells us; “And no one in heaven or on earth was able to open the scroll and look into it- Rev.5:3,” except Jesus who, “went and took the scroll from him (God) who seats on the throne- Rev. 5:7.”
Having been the only one who was with the father, He is the only one who can teach the bible through His servants.
So, what does Jesus say about this confusion and how can we escape it? Hear what he says. “With what will a young man guard his ways? By guarding it according to thy word. I have kept thy word in my heart that I may not sin against thee-Ps.119:9-11.”
Let’s therefore follow this word to understand where the differences are coming from.
Note this please,”…that no scripture can be interpreted according to man’s thinking. Because no scripture ever came by the impulse of men, but men moved by the HolySpirit spoke from God- 2 Pet. 1: 20-21.”
Does this therefore mean that, men can’t understand the scriptures?
Before we continue, beware of false prophets who want to mis-apply this verse and spiritualize away every simple and clear meaning of scripture. According to them, it is like a language changes its meaning when it comes to the bible. Know and understand that a language is a means of communicating some information and it simply means what it says. Back to point please.
So then, what is the spiritual being of scriptures which can only be spiritually interpreted? Jesus knows it quite well and He has not left it unexplained.
The bible is a book that was written by different people of different ages of time. So the writing went through a very long period of time ranging from Mt. Sinai to the days of John (Revelation).
Therefore, the spirituality is that, no single verse concludes a matter. I mean, we can’t use a single verse to explain an issue. The bible is like ajig-saw puzzle which needs unfolding to make some meaning.
Jesus, the only one who is able to open it gave instructions on how to unfold it. Many people have been deceived and have rejected this instruction; and have imagined things into scriptures, thus making a verse to have many differing interpretations as there are many differing imaginations. Do you want to come out of this confusion?
If yes, this is how Jesus says, the bible should be studied for a true and right spiritual understanding.
Get it if you can please. “Whom will he teach knowledge, and to whom will He explain the message…for it is precept upon precept….line upon line, here a little, there a little-Isaiah. 28:9-11.”
Do you get it? Jesus says, “You are misled because you neither know the scriptures nor the power of God- Mat. 22:29.” People first reject this instruction on how to study the bible. Secondly, they don’t give themselves time to study.
Therefore, knowing very few verses, and at the same time trying to be teachers, all they can do to cover up their ignorance is to try and imagine things from their simple carnal minds and mix them with scriptures, which amount to either adding to or subtracting from God’s word; a thing God strictly forbids- see Rev. 22:18-19.
These added imaginations from simple misinformed minds are the key cause of the thousands differing Christian groups today. Even though they may be many, they have one thing in common. What? ”You have a fine way of rejecting the commandments of (scriptures) God in order to follow your traditions (imaginations) – Mark.7:9.” They reject some scriptures and misapply others. So, though many, they all spring from the same master and are the same thing -“The synagogue of Satan Rev. 3:9.” They also, combined, form -the spiritual Babylon (confusion), of which God is telling those who know the voice of their shepherd- Jesus Christ, to “..Come out of her-Rev.18:4.”
Nearly all professed Christians believe that Christ will return on earth and take all believers to heaven where they will live forever rejoicing.
If you try and ask anyone where they read that in the bible, one will very fast take you to John.14:1-3.
The big question is: Does that verse talk or even mention anything about going to heaven? Surely, no. It is very plain. “I shall come again (from heaven), and welcome you to myself, and be with you wherever I will be.” Where? If anyone uses this verse to try and answer this question, all he will do is imagine because it doesn’t say. Also, those who use it to prove they are going to heaven are imagining too. The verse stops short of specifying the place. Let us then follow the verse -upon –verse- style and understand where Christ will be with the saints. “For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command—- and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then, we who are alive shall be caught up together to meet Him in the clouds, and so, we shall always be with Him- 1 Thes.4:16-17.” Yes, we are now up in the atmosphere with the Lord. But to where from there? The verse doesn’t say. So where? “And on that day, His feet shall stand on Mt. Olives which is to the east of Jerusalem (see Acts. 1:9,-12.)- Zech. 14: 1,4.”
I believe you readers are now seeing how the bible interprets itself and has no contradiction. It is very clear that from the clouds, Christ and the saints will not go back to heaven, but rather, they will descend further and land on earth on Mt. Zion which is also called Mt. Olivet (Mt. of Olives).
From this point, the promise of God will be fulfilled, which reads “and the kingdoms under (not in) the whole heaven shall be given to the saints of the most high- Dan. 7:27.” “And the Lord will be King over all the earth. On that day, the Lord will be one, and His name one-Zech.14:9.”
Friends, it is here that we now can say what John. 14:1-3 was talking about. It is on this earth, where the kingdom of God will be, where Christ will rule with all the saints. This is why He tells us to pray that. “The Kingdom comes, so that God’s will may be done on this earth as it is done in heaven.” He has by His blood redeemed a people from every tongue, every tribe and race and has made them Kings and priests and; what? “They shall rule on the earth-Rev.5:9-10.”
Do you see how you can study and spiritually interpret the bible and avoid the confusion that is in the world because of corrupt minds?
The true church of God which Christ began, of which He said will remain until His return (Mat.16:18), and which alone is given to understand the secrets of the Kingdom,(Mat. 13:11) ,and which alone has been sent to preach and teach the bible (Mat.28:18-19), and which alone can feed you with truth until you mature to a level of not being tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine (Eph.4:11-14.), is right here for you. But it is for you to prove. Are you looking for your true shepherd? His voice is right here.