What is God doing in human lives which makes them to be called Christians? What is happening in one’s life which shows he/ she is a true Christian?

To answer these questions, we must understand the purpose of our lives and the process it will take to accomplish that purpose. The uppermost thing in God’s mind right now is to restore His kingdom here on earth.

I know we may wonder why God is not ruling the earth and yet He created it- (To understand this, request for our message- “WHO IS SATAN?”).

When God created the earth, he placed it under the rulership of Holy angels. This was long before man was created.  But these angels who were overseen by an archangel named Lucifer (light bringer or morning star) rebelled against God- Ezek. 28:14-15; Isaiah.14: 13-14; Jude.1:6 (Read from your bible please). It is from here that God withdrew His kingdom, throne and Glory from the earth, but allowed the angels to continue ruling it their way. (Remember to request for the message; “WHO IS SATAN?” for details). This is why, up to now; the today’s world is ruled by evil spirits (angels) under Satan, who is both the prince and god of it- See Eph. 2: 2-3; 6: 12-13; John. 14: 30.

Afterwards, God begun His restoration plan, which is yet to be completed in the future- See Acts. 3: 20-21. “He talks of a coming world which God has not put under angels- Heb. 2:5.” So, who will rule that world once the restoration is complete?


Let’s go back to the verse we have just quoted. “We are preaching of a coming world which God has not put under angels. For He testifies somewhere saying, “What is man that thou art mindful of Him… thou did make him for a little while, lower than the angels; thou art crowned Him with honor and glory, putting  everything in subjection under His feet. – Heb.2: 5-8.” It is therefore very clear that God will have man ruling in that restored kingdom. But before he gets there, he has to go through some process. He has to be first made like God himself. How? Let’s follow please. And God said, “Let us make man in our image and our likeness that he may have rulership—- upon the earth.-Gen. 1: 26.” Even though God here talks of image and likeness, V. 27 shows that man was created in the image only but not likeness.  In this physical life, we are yet to be like God. Right now we are only His image (shape wise) – See Rev. 1: 14-16. What we need to understand is that man’s creation is taking a process, for God says, “It is first the physical, then the spiritual- 1 Cor. 15: 46, 49.” In the physical stage  which we are now, we are made a little lower than the angels- Heb. 2: 7. Immediately after creating the physical man, Satan deceived him and separated him from God. The process stopped at this level. Man remained the physical being who can only understand the physical world. Look into today’s societies to confirm this. Everybody is struggling for a position in the society. We are searching for wealth, manmade classes of people, recognition by fellowmen, physical protection, yes, everything we are doing is in preparation for this physical life. And if I may say, it’s like we don’t know of any other life apart from this one. Adam was deceived while at this physical stage which, “Is for a few days and full of troubles- Job. 14: 1-2.” He taught us (his descendants) this same life which is, “..perishable- 1 Cor. 15: 53.” So, through, “ man (Adam), death reigned through that one man- Rom. 5:7.” We hear many people say that, when one dies, that is the end of it. Others talk of people transferring to a different life elsewhere. But, if we go by God’s purpose of creating us, that of making us like Him in order to have us rule in His kingdom, then all these ideas are wrong. So what? Has God failed in His purpose?


God says, “I work, and who can hinder me- Isa. 43:13.” Surely no one, for He continues to say, “I have spoken, and I’ll bring it to pass; I have purposed and will do it- Isa. 46:11.” If then God has not failed, what is he doing about it now and how is He doing it? “But when the time had fully come, God sent forth His son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we may receive adoption as sons- Gal. 4:4- 5.” Let’s see how.

When Christ came, he delivered to man the message God gave Him saying, “the time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe the gospel (good news) – Mark. 1: 14-15.”Yes, the kingdom which God wants to restore is near. But there is a stumbling block. The lifestyle which we inherited from Adam cannot rule in that kingdom. We must turn (repent) from it before we can enter. Turn to where? (For details on this request for our message, “WHERE TO BEGIN”). What Christ preached was written down and is the bible we read today. So, whatever the bible explains, it is the life we need to turn to. Before we go into this, it is important to know what we are turning from.


God completed the first stage of man’s creation which is the physical body with its physical mind. But, man had to acquire knowledge from God on how to live. Before he could do so, Adam was deceived by Satan. What did Satan do with this physical man? Did he create man further?

He put his spirit in man, thus controlling his mind. He then, through that spirit, pumped the wrong knowledge into man. That is what man begun to use as information on how to live, for GOD says this about it, “The earth is given into the hands of the wicked one, he covers the faces of its judges; if it is not him, who it is then? – Job. 9: 24.” It is clear that Satan imparted his mind into man, for God further says, “It is the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that works in the children of disobedience – Eph. 2:2.” If we will turn from this mind, the first step is to know its qualities; yes, its characteristics. In this present life, how do men think, feel, plan ,talk and do things which form the behaviors of their lives? The Eden’s deception left man thinking of himself as a God. Therefore, in everything, he tries to pose as the best. This kind of mind has brought about the wrong competition. Whenever someone is outdone by their neighbor, they get jealous and envious. They feel belittled and they get ashamed. It results to hatred which triggers negative talking and anger towards the out doer.The out doer also downplays the outdone, demanding loyalty from him/her

People not being aware of where such reactions originate from try to dismiss them by calling it, “Human nature.” But the truth is what we have seen. It is the evil spirit influencing the physical mind which God calls the flesh (carnal). Our lord and saviour enlisted these characteristics saying, “Now the works of the flesh are evident; immorality, impurity, lawlessness, idolatry, enmity, strive, jealousy, anger, selfishness, envy, party spirit, drunkardness etc. Gal. 5: 19-21.” Look into yourself; are these not the attitudes which occupy your mind? If yes, then know and understand that your mind is very much under Satan’s control.

Friends, these are the attitudes we need to turn away from. They are what God calls, “..your old nature which belongs to your former manner of life which is deceitful and corrupt – Eph.4: 22.”


We began by wondering what God is doing in man’s life which makes one a true Christian. We also saw how God completed the first stage of man’s creation which is the physical. We also saw the stage two which is about developing the mind and behavior. When Christ came, He did what Adam never did. He rejected Satan’s efforts to deceive Him and obeyed God – See Mat. 4: 4-11. He therefore turned to God, having His mind filled with God’s spirit unlike Adam whose mind was filled with Satan’s spirit.  About Christ, God says, “..So, one man’s act of righteousness leads to acquittal and life for all men….” “— by one man’s obedience many will be made righteous – Rom. 5: 18-19.” And again, “..the last Adam become a life-giving spirit…. “–the second Adam is from Heaven- 1 Cor. 15: 47- 48.” Reading from the above verses, we realize that Christ and His life was the very opposite of Adam’s life. What was the difference between Christ and Adam, which is the difference between a true Christian and an unconverted person? Was it the body or what? Adam was created, a flesh and blood human being. Christ likewise was flesh and blood, for God says,”… He Himself likewise partook of the same nature, that through death… Heb. 2: 14.” Adam was tempted by Satan. Christ also was “tempted by Satan in exactly the same way – Heb. 4: 15.” Adam was subject to death, and the only way to escape was to depend on God. Christ also was subject to dead for He had to “..Cry to Him who was able to save Him from death – Heb. 5: 7.” Yes, when Christ became flesh, “He emptied Himself of that spiritual glorious Godly nature, taking the form of a servant, and born in the likeness of man – Heb. 2: 7-8.” This is proof beyond doubt that the difference is not the body. Adam’s body was as complete, good and of same quality as that of Christ. In both, God had fully finished their bodies. His concern was with their minds and character (behaviour).

Get it please. Adam sinned (refused to follow God’s instructions). So, the difference between the two was not their bodies but their minds, which brought about their opposive way of living. What do we say then? Are we truly Christians? What is God doing in our lives which make us Christians?


God is not concerned with our physical beauty or our special –looking attires. He has no concern with the glittering- glorious- looking – synagogues where we meet for worship. He has no concern for the kind of wealth one has .It is our minds which He is working on .It is therefore our minds and behaviours which will determine whether we are true Christians or not. The issue at question therefore is, “How much have we changed or are changing from the first Adam’s mind to the second Adam’s [Christ’s] mind?” Some of us have been into Christianity most of our lives. Let’s assume we are true Christians and I am saying assume because there is a probability of having been deceived all through. How much have our way of thinking, feeling and doing things changed from Adam’s to Christ’s way ?Examine yourself please. For Christ to obey God, He had to receive the Holy Spirit [God’s mind] which gave Him to think, know and do like God Himself. The Holy Spirit is the law of God in action. Yes it’s the mind and life of God in men’s hearts, for, ‘’ …..The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life’’ Again; ‘’my son be attentive to my words; —–for they are life to him who finds them –John .6: 63; prov. 4:20, 22.”The law of God is   His spirit and life in writing for.”—men moved by the holy spirit spoke from God -2 pet 1:21.”Yes, men spoke the mind of God which is also His life, which they were testifying to and was written down; becoming the scriptures. Can you make a difference between someone’s mind, life and words different? These are one and the same thing in different forms. It is when one hears the word as taught by Christ through His  servants, accepts it, and resolves to live by it that, “—God  sends the spirit of His son into one’s heart –Gal.4 :6.” When somebody receives this spirit, they put on,”—the mind of Christ-1 cor. 2:16.” From this point onward, one becomes like Christ-a Christian See also Rom.8:9,14.This mind of Christ which is the Holy Spirit begins to replace the mind of Satan for, the two can’t operate together. Now back to us. If most of our lives have been spend in Christianity where by God is constructing His mind and life in us, have we changed from our former ways becoming like Christ?


As we saw, the mind of Adam was the opposite of the mind of Christ who is named the second Adam. The reason is because, Adam learnt from Satan while Christ learnt from God. Satan became himself by rejecting and opposing everything God says and does. So now, how much as Christians have we opposed Satan, seeing that we now have the mind of God –the Holy Spirit? Let’s see the fruits of living in God’s spirit and compare them with what we think and do before we answer this question. “But the fruits of the spirit are, love joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control –etc. Gal. 5:22-23.” Yes, the behaviors and life of God is in all goodness and the very opposite of Satan’s life. Are these fruits the occupants of our minds? Are these fruits the very attitudes and behaviors of your life as a Christian? People live the way they do because they have chosen to do so.In the case of the world, people have chosen the self-centered life which extends to people centeredness.Therefore, everything one does is for self, appealing to those around him. In an effort to achieve that, there is arguments, strive, anger, disagreement, divisions,hatred, pride, fighting, murder etc.Yes all the effort and struggles are either for or, against flesh and blood – material things ,the Satan’s way. How about you who profess Christianity?


Against that worldly life, true Christians are a people who have known the purpose of their lives which is to develop Godly righteous character in order to inherit His kingdom. They are a people who know the purpose of this physical body and how it can’t inherit that kingdom. They therefore have decided to obey and follow Christ, “denying the (flesh and blood) self.” If they have no value for self, nor for other people, nor material things, what do they live for? What do they struggle to achieve and be in this life? Yes, what is their lives’ goal? Because they have the knowledge, they strive towards the right goal in obedience to Christ.That right goal is  “seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and this other things (the physical) shall follow (the secondary).”- Mat. 6:33. Remember this message is about self-examination to prove whether you are truly a Christian. I believe every reader is deep in his/her heart trying to see whether they fit in Godliness or Satanism. So, as true Christians, is the kingdom of God our goal?Is what we live for every day an effort to qualify for the kingdom? What does it take to achieve? Let us understand please. Previously we saw that it is God who in Jesus Christ is preparing us for that kingdom. He began by creating our physical bodies. He is now, by His Holy Spirit creating our minds and behaviours, which is actually the purpose of Christianity. Therefore, to enter the kingdom does not depend on anything physical, for God says, “The kingdom of God is not about eating and drinking- Rom. 14:17.” Yes, lack of food and drink cannot prevent you from entering. Also having plenty of materialism cant help you to qualify.  For this reason, our strive, “is not against flesh and blood- Eph. 6: 12.” Our physical success and failure, or the people around us have no value towards qualifying for the kingdom. Being mocked or praised by the society around you cannot disqualify or qualify you for the kingdom. What does this mean? A true Christian is one who has put the physical values aside. He is one who has his eyes beyond the physical life to the tomorrow’s life, when God’s kingdom will be ruling the earth- See Phil. 3: 7- 9.He is busy developing god’s mind in everything he does. What does it take then? “For the kingdom of God is….about righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit – See Rom.14: 17.” And again, “as for you man of God; aim at righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, gentleness, fight the good fight— – See 1 Tim. 6: 11-12.” If we look at the above, we will find none of them which depend on the physical, whether you or other people around you or even the material things we possess. It all has to do with our minds and our hearts. So, though true Christians are still flesh and blood, “they do not wage worldly war (physical), for the weapons of our warfare are not worldly (physical) but have divine power. We destroy arguments (in the mind), and every proud obstacle to the knowledge of God, and take every thought (the mind) captive to obey Christ (God’s life) – 2 Cor. 10: 3- 5.” Are we as Christians striving to change our minds? Why then are we talking about ourselves and other people and they can’t enter into our minds unless we allow them by accepting what they do or say?


Having all this truth revealed to us, we can now know where we stand. If in all that time we have professed Christianity, God has been developing our minds, how much have our attitudes and behaviours changed? Yes, if we acquired a different mind and that of God, what difference has it brought in our hearts? Lets stop counseling ourselves against the truth.Lets look at ourselves(and am talking about our hearts)squarely and see if our attitudes are any different form those of the world. Beware of false Christians who worship God with their mouths, calling Christ Lord, Lord, but their minds have no room for His life. I say this because we are all seeing a Christianity which is not in any way, different from the world. We are seeing Christians who are loud-mouthed in talking about God and Christ, ever praising. But their fellowship is centered on physical gain. They gossip each other, they have praise for men. They strive for leadership positions. They hate, they burst with wrath; they discriminate. Their fellowships are based on how one has been blessed materially or in advancing to top positions in their fellowship.Yes,their concern is not The kingdom but their own self, the people around them and the standards of this world. If you look at all they go for, it is the physical. This is why they fight; they disagree and are divided among themselves. Our Lord has this to say about them; “They are of the world. Therefore, what they say is of the world; and the world listens to them. – 1 John. 4: 5.” “They live as enemies of the cross of Christ….their God is their stomachs with their minds set on earthly things.- Ph. 3: 18- 19.” “They profess to know God, but they deny Him with their deeds. – Titus. 1: 16.” Yes, these Christians have been raised by Satan, for the sake of deceiving and because the spirit of God is not in them, they are still in the physical where they think of each other and material things. This is why after so many years of professing Christianity; they still anger, hate, grumble, defend self, seek and practice worldly standards.


Friends, this is not how Christ behaved. So, whose example are they following? Don’t forget, it could be you. A true Christian’s interest is that of Christ, which is eternal life in the kingdom. For, “Our citizenship is in heaven, and from it, we await a savior, who will change our lowly bodies to be like His glorious one – Ph. 3: 20-21.” You see! The target is to be completed into that spirit body, after attaining the righteous character. Their desire is, “For while we are still in this body, we desire to be clothed, so that this mortal body may be swallowed up by life- 2. Cor.5:4- 5.”Yes,they do everything(whether in employment or in business)according to God’s law.They strive never to do anything that goes against God,law,for by so doing,they are developing God,s righteous character. If our target is this one, then where is the physical; where is that other person; where are the worldly standards and praises? We are strictly dealing with our hearts, and having nothing to do with this age (world), for, “..the world is non-existent to us, and we are non-existent to it – Gal. 6: 14.” Yes, we don’t live for the world and neither does it live for us. Having died with Christ, we seek, “..the things that are above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Our minds are set on heaven (spiritual) not earth (physical).” We are eagerly waiting for our kingdom. Before it comes, we are strangers right now and not recognized by the world. We have nothing to glory in this life, for we know, how right now, we are just mere dust and short-lived. So, throughout our physical lives, we are striving to develop that right mind and character so that we can be made something to boast about, when we become spirit beings. This is what makes a true Christian. What are you? Examine yourself and judge.

May God’s grace give us to understand and walk the right path. It is the voice of the angel to Leodicea sounding the alarm through,




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