English Messages
English Messages
Who among us knows exactly why, God had to send a messenger to mankind after a long time since creation? What is it that human beings never understood from the word go, which later needed, and up to now, needs revelation? Brethren and friends alike, am hereby giving everyone a challenge. And how good it…
Why does it look abnormal for one to believe and accept that, Christ in his physical life here on earth was hundred percent human being? Why do even the majority of his church members think that Christ was extra-ordinary, that though in the physical body, He was not fully human? If this thinking is true,…
There are two differing sources of information from which a human mind can acquire knowledge by which, a person forms a lifestyle. These two are opposite to each other and so, the mind cannot tune to both at the same time. God created us with the freedom to choose between the two, the one whose…
Who among us is there, who seriously wants to know about life as it should be? Who is he/she, who doesn’t want to just be consoled about what he knows or thinks about him/herself, but rather, is out for knowledge on what his/her real self is, why it is, how it should be applied, and…
We all know God’s holidays to be his way of reminding those who worship Him, about the purpose He is accomplishing in their lives. Come every holiday, beginning with the weekly Sabbath, and then the Passover, all through to the feast of tabernacles- see Lev.23:1-37 please, we remember and get stirred up to a renewed…
I went socializing with some neighbours, who are not church members at some neighbourhood club. In there, I found people of what is termed, different classes (see details in our message, “ Classes of men”), sharing a table, with each telling their kind of story on how much, one has achieved, and what they are…
Many of my brethren and contacts in messenger, Facebook and whatsap have visited our page, namely, www.endtimecog.org. A great majority have noticed the voice of Christ in the messages there-in. Since our major emphasis is on the Church of God to come out of the present Babylon and go back to Christ, many of our…
One, is a word used to describe an indivisible something, whether an object or a person. It is also used to describe, an undiffering nature. At any time we take that one, whatever it is, and break it, it will be false to go ahead and still call it one. One is a singular description,…
What comes into our minds when the word watch is mentioned? It may draw our attention to either, look at, be attentive to, or get careful with, something. The bible in so many scriptures calls for the need to watch, or rather, be watchful in life. What exactly is it that God wants us to…