Much has been said and taught about the coming millennium rule of Christ and the saints. Also, much has been speculated about the physical nation of Israel and how it ties in with the kingdom of God. A great confusion has reigned, as a result of people’s imagined beliefs concerning this topic. Since there is a God in heaven who created all things according to a plan He had designed long even before He did create, then, whatever information we need concerning this topic must be contained in that fore plan. Let’s follow keenly, paying attention to every word that pertains to that information, and know for sure what is in place for the saints, and the physical nation of Israel during the millennium rule of Christ on this Earth. As we all know, God created man with an intention of expanding His spiritual family. Before man is made a spirit being, he had to go through some process, which warranted him to acquire God’s knowledge, and apply it to train in living like God, through which, he was to develop the godly righteous character. After creating him, God placed the man on an Earth that was already ruled by evil angels under the leadership of Satan the devil. In order to be fully like God, it necessitates a free will choice, because, character development can’t be enforced. Wherever a choice is involved, there also must be alternatives, and opposition. I have heard many people wonder why God left Satan to continue ruling the earth after creating man who is also supposed to rule it. It is for choice-making and, character building. God confirmed this to Israel, after they had entered the Promised Land. He did not remove all the gentiles from among them; and for what reason? Hear it please. “I will no longer remove any of the nations that were still in the land when Joshua died. Why? For, “I(God) will use them to find out whether or not, these Israelites will follow my laws, as their ancestors did-Judges.2:21-22”. Remember, when God created Adam, Satan was still ruling the Earth. So, in the same way He did to Israel, He did to Adam, placing before him, the two lifestyles, symbolized by the two trees-see Gen.2:9(ask also for our informative message, “the two trees “). So Adam had to freely choose-See Gen.2:15-17. We know that it is Satan’s life whose doing, causes all the sufferings in the world. Satan is fighting to hold people in his deception.God is using that suffering, to develop His righteous character in those whom He has chosen, for, “……suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope-Rom.5:3-4”. Yes, God allows suffering to give his people a test, “…to see what is in their minds, to know whether they will obey Him or not-Deut.8:2”. So, God gave Adam room to choose which life he would learn to live by. Choosing God’s life would have given God a go-ahead in advancing man’s creation into that finished spirit being. Choosing Satan’s life would mean God’s-hands-off in human affairs to allow them freedom to pursue their choice. It also meant God’s halting of His creation for man(Read our message, “The spirit of God’s holidays”, for details please). Adam was deceived and so, chose Satan’s life. God’s plan for man stopped there also, and so, “He allowed all nations to go their own(not God’s) way-Acts.14:16”. But God did not leave them without a witness, for, “He himself fixed before hand,the exact times and the limits of the places where they would live. He did this so that they may look for him…Acts.17:26-27”. He also has throughout the generations raised His servants, the prophets who continued to witness concerning his plan for mankind. Here, we see that the plan God has for all mankind is one, and doesn’t favor any tribe or nation above another. What He told Adam was for him and his descendants throughout the generations. Today’s humanity is simply a one family that has grown large and spread on the whole earth’s surface. That doesn’t change the plan God had for them. So, as we continue with this message, let every reader bear this in mind. Here we are addressing God’s plan for all mankind and how He is achieving it. At this time, there was neither Israelites nor Christians, nor any other religion, except God’s life and the few who lived by it(the prophets),and Satan’s life and those who lived by it(almost the whole world). These two were the only ways of worship, and up to now, they still remain the only ones. What I mean is; there is either the worship of God or, the worship of Satan. Friends, we request you to follow this message keenly for understanding so that, we don’t continue guessing at things and living in confusion. After choosing Satan’s life, man began to go far and far away from God and His constructive life, and nearer and nearer to Satan’s destructive life, until it reached a point, during Noah’s time, when, “…everyone on Earth became very wicked, and their thoughts were evil all the time-Gen.6:5”. If God allowed men to continue in their wickedness, they would have destroyed themselves and all life on the Earth. So, God made a stop to that by wiping all human beings through the floods, and saving the righteous Noah and his family who were to begin a new generation of a God-abiding people. After the floods, people began a bit-by-bit diversion from Noah’s-God-abiding-life, and reached a point where they even decided to put God aside and device ways of uniting themselves and protecting their unity, for they said, “ Come, let us build a city with a tower that reaches the sky, so that we make a name for ourselves and not be scattered allover the earth-Gen.11:4”.Here, Satan struck again and pulled people from God’s plan of, man multiplying and spreading to fill the whole Earth. But God defeated their purpose by confusing their language and scattering them over the broad face of the Earth. This was the beginning of races, nations, tribes and languages, which God named, “ Babylon-Gen.11:9”, and which means, confusion.
After the people got scattered, with groups speaking different languages, men also forsook the true God, and began to worship idols. Each tribe introduced it’s own idol-god which they worshiped and depended on for their lively-hood. All this was Satan’s effort to divert man from the true life and so have him kill himself (for details, request for our message, “It is Satan”). This wickedness reached a level where God had to intervene, and proclaim His purpose for mankind, and so bring them back to his creation table, for, “…He must accomplish His purpose; He has spoken, and He will do it-Isa.46:11”.In a world where all men had turned aside, with everyone, “ ….living according to their corrupt and deceitful mind-Eph.4:22;see also Jerem.6:16”, God called Abram, and separating him from the peoples, He commanded Him saying, “ Go from your country, from your kinsmen, and from your father’s house, to a land that I will show you-Gen.12:1”. At this time, everyone on Earth had forsaken God and gone after pagan gods. Therefore, God is hereby, through Abraham, re-introducing His life to man, still in pursuance of his fore plan. This is where the today’s confusion about Jesus, the Church, and the nation of Israel begun. People devoid of God’s spirit, have not understood why God had to call Abraham, and so, they misrepresent God, showing Him to be one who shows partiality (and this against His word), and discriminates between tribes and races. But if one wants to understand, God is very clear here, for He told Abraham, “….and I will bless you, and through you, I will bless all the nations of the Earth-Gen.12:3”. Get it please if you can. Blessed are those who obey God’s commandments-Psalm.1:1-2. So, for obeying God, Abraham will be blessed, and through his obedience, God will use him to teach the whole world obedience through which, He will also bless every family on earth-Gen.12:3. At this time, there were no Jews, neither Israelis. But since God knew that, Abraham will teach his descendants the way of God, then the promise was to him and his descendants after him-see Gen.18:18. We here realize that God chose Abraham to be His preacher to the world of his time. It was through Abraham that God began to lay a strong foundation on, and along which, His original plan for mankind will be established, culminating into His coming kingdom, which we are waiting for now. Don’t forget. God created man that he may learn to live like Him, so that man may rule God’s kingdom, according to God’s life which is explained by His laws. So, He is not giving Abraham a different new arrangement, for He told Him, “I am the almighty God; obey me and always do what is right, and I will make my covenant with you…………to be your God and you my people-Gen.17:1-2,7”. It is very clear here that the uppermost thing in God’s mind which makes Him deal with any man He chooses, is to restore His kingdom here on the Earth, which will be possible after men have learned and qualified to live like God(to obey his laws) (For details on this, our message, “are you a Christian”, is necessary). To confirm this, the reward He promised to Abraham and his descendants for obedience was, “ I will give to you and your descendants,this land as an everlasting possession-Gen.17:8”. If God is revealing this to you, you are realizing that God is here, promising Abraham His restored kingdom here on Earth. This is because, for Abraham to possess this land forever, then he must be a spirit being which alone can live forever.So,this promise will be fulfilled in the future, after resurrection from the dead, when, “.they will see Abraham,Isaac,and Jacob in the kingdom-………………….”. Let’s therefore not imagine of any side arrangement, apart from men learning to obey God’s law by which they will develop His character and therefore rule in his kingdom, being also members of His family. So, Abraham and his physical descendants are not excluded in this arrangement. Every human being who will inherit God’s kingdom will do so, because he/she will have developed the holy and righteous character, “….without which, no one will see God-Hebr.12:14”, whether a Jew or a gentile. Whatever is promised to Abraham and his descendants is strictly based on obedience.“ Abraham obeyed God and kept His commandments-Gen.26:5”. And so, did His sons, Isaac and Jacob. Jacob, the grand-son of Abraham bore himself twelve sons. As he was going back to his father’s land from Laban’s, he met the angel of the Lord on the way, whom he wrestled,and demanded for a blessing in exchange for letting him go. It was here that the angel told him, “your name will no longer be Jacob……..your name will be Israel(meaning, an overcomer with God)-Gen.32:28”. So, when we talk of Israel, we simply mean, the children of Jacob. A severe drought overtook the land of Canaan, and it forced Jacob and His family to migrate to Egypt where Joseph, one of His sons was a prince.There,they dwelt for four hundred and thirty years, serving as slaves. In the course of that period, the true worship of the God who chose their grandfather Abraham, which their father Jacob continued with, got eroded. Due to enforced labour,they could not obey God, and so, they got used to the worship of the Egyptian gods.Again,the worship of the true creator God which He introduced to Abraham was at stake, threatened with abolition. It was at this time that God raised His servant Moses to deliver them from slavery, to remind them of His true worship, and take them back to their father’s home land. God began by revealing to Moses who He is, saying, “ I am the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob-Exod.3:6”. God is not about to start a new thing here.He is only reminding Moses of His fore plan, “….His commandments for all the world, His covenant for a thousand generations,…..which He made with Abraham His servant, His promise to Isaac, perpetrating it to Jacob, who bore the Israelites-Psalm.105:7-11”. After delivering them from Egypt and leading them into the wilderness, they came to mount Sinai. It is on this mountain that for another time, God placed His fore plan before Moses for all Israel, through whom, the whole world will be blessed, just as God had promised Jacob, saying, “……through you and your descendants, I will bless all the nations of the Earth-Gen.28:14”. This, God did by giving Moses the Ten Commandments, which He wrote with His own fingers-Exodus.31:18. Many people, being ignorant of the truth think that the Ten Commandments started with Moses at Mount Sinai. Let everyone now know that, the ten commandments, are an explanation of God’s own life which has been throughout eternity ,for, “…God made them to last forever-Psalm.119:152”; and again, “…the word of God endures forever- 1 Pet.1:25”. To confirm this, We see Abraham, “..obeying God’s commandments-Gen.26:5”, long before Israelites were born. Also, when Jacob’s son Joseph was sold in Egypt, a certain lady tried to have sex with him. But he refused, saying, “…How can I do this great wickedness and sin( break God’s law- 1 John.3:4) against my God-Gen.39:9”. Now, understand please if you are given to. Who taught Joseph that sex outside marriage is a sin and this is long before even the Israelites went to Egypt? Our Lord tells us that , “…we cannot know sin, except through the law.For,had the law not said, ‘thou shall not covet’, we would not have known that coveting is sin-Rom.7:7”. So also, Joseph would not have known illicit sex is sin, had the law not said, “thou shalt not commit adultery”. The truth is very clear here.The commandments of God are His own life explained in writing, and this is done for man, because he was created to live like God. Before Mount Sinai, they used to be taught by mouth from father to son. Joseph learned them from his father Jacob. But because, every now and them, men would forget, God decided to have them written. The point here is; God was simply reminding Abraham’s descendants, the very covenant which He made with their fore fathers; To be their God and they, His people through whom, He will teach all human beings, the life God created them to live by. This is why, after delivering them from bondage, He told them, “ If you will obey me and keep my covenant(compare this with Gen.17:1-2) ,you will be my own people… chosen people, a chosen holy nation of priests-Exod.19:5-6”. We very well know that a priest is someone who delivers God’s message to other people-see Malachi.2:7. What God chose Abraham for, is what He is perpetrating through His descendants. And what is that? “… open the eyes of the blind, to free those in darkness, in spiritual prison-Isa.42:6-7”. Yes, to use them to teach all men the true life, for all had turned into worshiping pagan gods. But before long, the Israelites turned from the purpose for which God had chosen Abraham, they broke the covenant. Instead of showing the world the true godly life, they turned to the world; they rejected God’s leadership through His judges, and demanded to, “…..have a king like those of the gentile nations- 1 sam.8:5”. Therefore God told His servant Samuel, “…they have rejected me from being their king-V.7”. Time and again, These God’s chosen people would go astray; then God would sent His servants the prophets to, “.. deliver them and turn them to Him-Nehem.9:26-27”. This on-and-off practice continued until when, “…..the Lord’s anger was so great that He could not bear anymore. So, He sent captors who took them to exile- 2 Chron.36:16-17”. Since God’s covenant with Abraham was an everlasting covenant, there was no way it will be discontinued. At the same time, it must be continued through Abraham’s descendants, and only after they remain committed to His laws by which man shall live. Before we continue, it is very important to note this one thing. Apart from Abraham and His descendants, God did not give His commandments to any other people. The rest of the nations were idol worshipers. He says, “He gave His instructions and laws to Israel. He has not done this to any other nation. They do not know his laws-Psalm.147:19-20”. So, if there will ever be any worship of the true creator God on Earth, it will be learned from Abraham and His descendants. His descendants can only prove to have learned from Abraham by obeying God in the same way Abraham did, for, it was based on, “.if you obey my commandments, then, I will….”. But now, Abraham’s descendants have broken the covenant, and have been scattered all over the world. Who then will further this Abrahamic lineage of obedience, and so keep the covenant forever?
Even though Abraham’s descendants rebelled against God, there are a minority, the prophets who continued in obedience. It was through these prophets that the Lord promised to, “.send His messager who will come and proclaim His covenant-Malachi.3:1”. It is through this messager that God established a new covenant. Does this mean that all that He established through Abraham was lost? This is another area where the mis-informed go wrong in their understanding and distort the whole thing. Let’s try to get it please. What was wrong with the first covenant which warranted a new one? So many have believed it was the Ten Commandments; but this is not true. God says, “He found fault(not with the law) with the people-Hebr.8:8”.It means, the commands of God on which the covenant was built( Deut.4:13) were ok and can’t be changed. It is the people, who disobeyed, and so broke the covenant. And this was because, these commandments are spiritual, but were given to carnal people who can neither understand nor obey spiritual laws. Let it be understood that the newness of the new covenant is not about the Ten Commandments, but rather about the change of people’s mind which will enable them to keep what(the law), in the old covenant was impossible. The messager we are talking about here did not start a new thing. He came to remind men about the original life which God had in mind when He created them; which also is what God had introduced to Abraham and all the prophets, for He says, “ for I tell you that, Christ’s mission was to confirm the promises which were given to the fore-fathers-Rom.15:8”. What promises? “ To you and your descendants after you, I will give this land for an everlasting possession-Gen.17:7-8”. When we compare this promise with the purpose of God for man, that of, “..a man who is like Him to rule the Earth-Gen.1:26”, then it is a truth that what God is bringing up through this new covenant is not a new thing but His original plan which men keep straying from, by following a lie from Satan. To confirm this, we realize that the new covenant is about, God’s law, “…….being written in the minds of men, and being made the desires of their hearts-Jerem.31:31,33”. In other words, the laws of God which are God’s explanation of how man should live will become men’s knowledge, and their way of living, for, “….these laws are your wisdom and understanding -Deut.4:6,13”.
Whatever God began is what He will accomplish, for, “ I know that, whatever God does endures forever; nothing can be added to it, nor anything be subtracted from it…….Ecles.3:14”. As we began to say, God chose Abraham so that, He may use him as His messenger to all mankind about the purpose of life. When God brought Abraham’s descendants out of Egypt, at mount Sinai, He reminded them of this purpose of making man who lives a godly way of life, which is what the Ten commandments explains. He reminded them the same thing that He told Abraham. Which ? “ The whole Earth is mine…..therefore, if you obey me and keep my covenant, you will be my own people, a chosen nation of priests-Exodus.19:5-6”. We all know that the Israelites did not continue in this agreement they made with God, even though they said yes. Since, from the word go, God’s purpose for man is that of enlarging his family by making men into spirits beings, who live the same life that God lives, and ,the only way He will associate with man is, if man first lives that Godly life, for God can’t live or accept a different life,then,He had to raise a people(descendants of Abraham) through whom, men must learn to obey and live the life. Adam strayed from it.Abraham kept it, and so an unchanging agreement between him and God was established. His descendants strayed from it, but after delivering them from slavery, He reminded them of His plan with Abraham, which was the original one He had began with Adam. After going into the promised land, they forsook the agreement once again, for, “……although God had become like a husband to Israelites, they did not keep(the agreement) the covenant-Jerem.31:32”. So, God also divorced them, and had them scattered allover the world, where they have remained to this day. Apart from a few minority, i.e, the prophets, God’s covenant with Israelites as a nation ceased. He began a new plan through which He will achieve His purpose for man generally. Since God’s covenant with Abraham is irrevocable, then, He had to perpetrate it through a Descendant of Abraham, who will obey God the way Abraham did, and through whom, all the families of the world will bless themselves; and this will be after they accept to live according to God’s law. So, it is written, “Now God made His promise to Abraham and to his descendant. The scripture does not use the plural “descendants”, but the singular “descendant”, meaning one person only, namely-Jesus Christ. What I mean is, ‘god made a covenant to Abraham and kept it.The law which came 430 years later cannot break it, and cancel God’s promise-Gal.3:16–17”. It is here very clear that, what Adam did not do, which Abraham did, which his descendants (Israel’s nation) didn’t do, is what Jesus Christ(a physical descendant of Abraham) did, and through Him, the same message which Abraham was to preach to the world, and through which, the world was to be blessed, is being preached, for God says, “ ..the true descendants of Abraham are those who have faith. The scripture predicted that God would put the gentiles right with Himself through faith, and, God preached the gospel to Abraham, saying, ‘through you, God will bless the whole human race-Gal.3:7-8”. Do you now see? The continuity of God’s original purpose for man is evident. He created man to (in this physical life) learn to live like Him, and be completed into a spirit being, after which, he is to rule the Earth as God’s kingdom-Gen.1:26”. When Christ came, He began to proclaim that same purpose, for He said, “ the time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God is near; repent(turn from the worldly life) and believe the gospel(message)-Mark.1:15”. Here, a descendant of Abraham has restored the faith of Abraham on which God’s promises and purpose for mankind stands. So, what God started through Adam, which Adam forsook, He has hereby continued it through Jesus Christ, for, “ Adam was a figure of the one(Christ) to come; Just as all die through Adam, the same all will live through Jesus Christ; through Adam, man sinned; through Jesus, man obeyed-Rom.5:14; 1 Cori.15:21-22”. This confirms the fact that, the new covenant is meant to restore what Adam rejected. So, those who believed in Jesus Christ, God made them a Church, and are the ones He will use to continue with His purpose which is eternal. After calling them, He told them, “ I will build my Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it-Mat.16:18”. He did begin this Church so that it may proclaim that life of God to all men, for He says, “..that through the Church, God may make all men know His purpose-Eph.3:9-10”. He also transferred the commission He gave to the nation of Israel (the disobedient descendants of Abraham) to the Church(the obedient descendants of Abraham-Gal.3:29), for of the Church, He said, “You are a chosen race. A holy nation of priests and kings; God’s own people who will display the wonderful deeds of Him who called you from darkness to His marvelous light- 1Pet.2:9”. Is anything more plain than this? The Church is not doing a different work from what Israel as a nation was doing. This is what God gave Israelites, for He told them, “ will be my own people,…my chosen people, a nation of priests- Exodus.19:5-6”.
This change of guards is proven by the fact that, when Christ was crucified on the Cross, this completed the divorce process between God and Israel as a nation. Remember, Christ is the Lord God who was with them in the wilderness-see 1 Cor.10:4, and who “ was like a husband to them, whom they have now rejected and crucified-Jerem.31:32”. So, when they crucified Him, this brought an end to the Earthly priesthood through Which God used to operate. This is why, the curtain of the temple which divided the holy from the most holy place cracked, “ torn into two from top to bottom-Mat.27:51”. This marked the end of the old covenant, the end of God’s presence in that temple, and, the end of the levitical priesthood, and it paved way for the new priesthood of Jesus Christ, after the order of milchizedek-Hebr.7:24-25. It also opened a different way of reaching God, through the holy spirit, instead of through a physical priest. We are now living in this Church dispensation, where we go before God, through the right now priest, Jesus Christ who is at God’s presence in the most holy place in the Heavenly temple. We therefore, who have believed in Jesus, worship God in spirit and truth-John.4:24; and don’t need a human mediator. Whoever therefore wants to know God and His truth will not go to Jerusalem in the middle East, nor look for an Israelite, but will go to God’s Church, who, “..alone are given to understand the secrets of the kingdom of God-Mat.31:11”, Which all men were created to be born in it. Now please; let’s not forget the continuity of God’s uppermost purpose, that of creating a man who is a spirit being like himself, which must start by man learning to live like God, after which, He will give those who will succeed, a spirit body. This is also the time when the new covenant will be accomplished.Therefore,know and understand that, God’s Church is the embassy of the heavenly kingdom here on Earth. If God is now working with the Church and not the physical descendants of Abraham,then,what has become of them? Has God rejected them? God says, “ God made their minds and hearts dull(and this after they broke the covenant); to this very day, they cannot hear or see-Rom.11:8”. Since the days of the Assyrian Empire, the nation of Israel was dispersed, and scattered all over the world where they have remained to to-date. The Jews also followed afterwards. Today, what we see in the land of Israel is just a minority of the tribe of Judah who are called, the Jews. Not all Israelites are Jews, but all Jews are Israelites. How long will this last? “For when they were rejected, the human race was changed from God’s enemies to His friends……Rom.11:15”. This is when God’s blessings to all the families of the Earth, through Abraham’s descendants(Jesus) began to take effect, for the message(gospel) of God’s life to the gentiles began through Peter( to Cornelius),and Paul. The Church through which God is operating in the world today began with Jews, but soon after, it spread to all nations, For it was to be a people from, “..every tribe,language,race and nation-Rev.5:9-10”,thus fulfilling God’s promise to Abraham, that of blessing all families of the world through him. In this present Church-arrangement, “…there is neither Jew nor,gentile,slave nor free, male nor female, but all one in Jesus Christ. And it is these who belong to Jesus who are the true descendants of Abraham-Gal.3:28-29”. Why? Because the promise to Abraham and his descendants was based on having faith in God. There is therefore no way, someone will have faith in God through Jesus Christ(through whom the descendants of Abraham are named),and then be rejected, or termed inferior because he/she is not a physical descendant of Abraham, for, “ not all who are descended from Israel are Israelites, and not all are children of Abraham because they are his physical descendants, but those of faith are-Rom.9:6-8;2:28-29; Gal.3:7”. Look at it please and understand. God’s singleness of purpose is here again confirmed. At the end of it all, His purpose of making all men his family members, regardless of race, nationality or tribe will be accomplished.Also,his purpose of choosing Abraham and his descendants, that of using them to preach to the whole world, so that all mankind may be made spirit beings is shown through the church, because in it, it is everyone who believes, whether a Jew or a gentile. The two are equally acceptable before their creator. The first century church(which was all Jewish) saw it and had this acknowledgement; “….even then, God gave them the same gift He gave to us…, to the gentiles, God has also given repentance to life-Acts.11:17-18”. “For there is no one who believes in Him who will be rejected. For there is no distinction between a Jew and a gentile; the same Lord is Lord of all, and bestows His riches upon all who call upon him-Rom.10:11-12”. Right now through the Church, God is preparing a people, regardless of tribe or race, who will rule with Christ when He comes to usher-in His kingdom. So, apart from those who are given to believe, the rest of Israelites have been rejected, “….have been hardened, until the full number of gentiles come in, after which, they will also be called-Rom.11:25-26”. Christ did warn them of this rejection, because of their sturbonness,when He told them; “ assuredly I tell you; some will come from the east and west, and sit with Abraham ,Isaac, and Jacob in God’s kingdom while you sons of the promised be locked out- “. What does Christ mean here? ( For more info, request for our message, “the spirit of God’s holidays)
Since their times in the old covenant, Israel as a nation has always waited for a deliverer(a messiah),who, according to prophecy was to come and liberate them.But,not knowing the purpose of God for mankind, neither understanding why God chose them, theirs was the notion that the Messiah was to come and conquer the world physically and put them in charge of it. God therefore did send the Messiah(Jesus Christ), who came and taught them how that liberation was to begin with developing God’s mind first, for it is in the mind where the slavery is based, where Satan printed his lie to mankind, making them(Israel included), “……slaves of sin-john.8:34”. So, because of their ignorance, they rejected the Messiah. As they were about to crucify Him, He told them, “….you will not see me again until you say, ‘blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord’-Mat.23:39”. When will this be? The Church of God which consists of all races, Israelites included, did receive Him and Christ by His spirit is creating in their minds, the very mind of God, and his righteous character. When Christ will return this second time, it is these Church members who will be changed into spirit beings(will be born again), and rule with Christ from mount Zion-see Rev.14:1;3:21;Luke.12:32. Remember, right now, the house of Israel and the house of Judah are scattered allover the world. But God has spoken of a second exodus, not the one of Egypt, for He says, “The days are coming, says the Lord, when it shall no longer be said, ‘as the Lord lives who brought up the people of Israel out of the land of Egypt,’ but ‘ as the Lord lives, who brought up the people of Israel out of the north country, and out of all the countries where He had driven them. ‘For I will bring them back to their own land which I gave to their fathers-Jerem.16:14”. So much has been said about these Israelites. There are those who believe that the Israelites have already, or are now returning to their land. But when does God say this will happen? Let’s follow please. After Christ and the saints land on mount Zion, it is then that He will now gather the physical Israelites; it is when their hardening will be removed; it’s when, as the Lord says, “…the deliverer will come from Zion, He will banish ungodliness from Jacob(Israel)- Rom.11:26”. Yes, they will return to their country when Christ returns, during the time of the resurrection of the saints. How do we know? Listen please. When Christ returns, He and his angels, together with the saints who will have met Him in the clouds will fight against the armies of the nations which constitute to the forces of Babylon and the kings of the Earth-see Rev.16:14;17:14;19:11,14,19. This will fulfill the shout that, “Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great-Rev.18:2”. Now notice this please, after fighting the armies, thus completing the fall of Babylon, and after landing on mount Zion with the saints, the Lord will, “….gather them(Israel) from all the countries to which I drove them in my anger…Jerem.32:37”. The Israelites will be heard saying, “…..Babylon is taken………..In those days, the people of Israel and the people of Judah shall come together, weeping as they come; and they shall seek the Lord their God. They shall ask the way to Zion with faces turned towards it, saying, ‘come, let us join ourselves to the Lord in an everlasting covenant which will never be forgotten-Jerem.50:2,4-5”. Are you getting it? Christ told them, ‘you will never see me again until when you will say, blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord’ .Here they are now saying Christ is their Lord at his second coming, and vowing to join themselves to Him in an everlasting covenant. To further prove that this gathering and going back of Israel to the promised land will be at Christ’s second coming, and after the first resurrection, God says that the nation of Israel “will serve the Lord their God, and will be ruled by David as their king, whom the Lord will raise from the dead for them-Jerem.30:9”. Brethren, we are not like the ignorant who go about imagining everything, and so live against the truth, stumbling at every step. We are those who live in the light(the word) which is as true and sure as the tomorrow’s rising sun. You also can join us in this assurance of knowledge by accepting the word of God as the only truth, and so stop, “living in darkness for that day to surprise you like a thief- 1 Thes.5:4”. Now that the Israelites get gathered, does it mean that God will give them a non-conditional entry and inheritance of the kingdom without them developing his righteous character first, just like the Church is doing now?
Let’s continue walking in the lighted path(following God’s word),and understand please. After showing him all the progressive kingdoms, which shall rule over this Earth, when It came to His kingdom, God told Nebcadnessar, “As you watched, a stone was cut out by no human hand, and it smote the image on its feet of iron and clay, and broke it into pieces….and its pieces were carried off by the wind. And the stone grew into a huge mountain, that filled the whole Earth-Dan.2:34-35”. What does this mean? It stands for God’s soon coming Kingdom, for its interpretation was, “And in the days of those kings (gold, silver,bronze,iron,mixture of iron/clay), the God of heaven will establish a Kingdom which shall never be destroyed, nor its sovereignty be left to others-Dan.2:44-45”. Christ has time and again likened the kingdom of God with a mustard seed which starts the smallest but ends up being the biggest. Let’s therefore see how it will work in truth please. After Christ and the saints set up the kingdom, which marks the beginning of the millennium rule, the whole world will be administered from Jerusalem, with Christ’s throne on Mount Zion-See Isa.2:2-4. God doesn’t have double standards, neither is He partial or discriminating in His dealings.So,even though the physical Israelites will be gathered back into the land of Canaan, even though they will be ruled by Christ and the saints, they will not be in the kingdom, for flesh and blood cannot inherit this kingdom. It is the Church(saints only) who will enter the kingdom, but will be given to “…sit with Christ on His throne, and rule the nations(physical beings) with an iron rod(total authority)-Rev.3:21;2:26-27”. The kingdom of God will start that small. When Christ comes, and removes Satan, and sets up his throne, the nations will not submit to him automatically. It will begin with that small country of Israel, which will become the model nation of the whole world through which, God will demonstrate in a physical way, what it brings to obey his life. He says this of the restored nation of Israel; “But you or mountains of Israel, shall shoot forth your branches, and yield fruits to my people Israel; for they will soon come home……and the nations will know that I am the Lord,…..when through you(Israelites),I vindicate(prove) my holiness before their eyes—Ezek.36:8,23”. Here we see them submitting to God, and committing themselves to His way of life-Jerem.50:4-5;31:34-35. So it won’t be that they just get drawn like machines into God’s submission, they will do it willingly, and God will begin, through the saints (David their resurrected king-Jerem.30:9;Ezek.34:23-24) to teach them His ways. And they will grow in grace and in God’s knowledge, just like the Church is doing right now. Here, you will realize that, Christ’s word to them will be fulfilled, for some gentile believers who have been taught through the Church, and are now saints with fellow Jewish believers are ruling with Christ in the kingdom, while the physical Israelites are cast out there(yet to be made spirit beings so as to enter the spiritual kingdom). After He has restored Israel, and after they have began to live in obedience, God will bless them abundantly. The nations will witness this for they will be heard saying, “ This land that was desolate has become like the garden of Eden. Then the nations that are left round about them shall know that, I the Lord have rebuild the ruined places, and replanted that which was desolate-Ezek.36:36-37”. See now. The mustard seed has began to grow. It has started with the area of mount Zion where Christ’s throne and the saints are established. Then now, it has expanded to the physical nation of Israel who have submitted to this spiritual kingdom, and have become God’s witnesses to the surrounding nations. The nations in return have also began to admire the blessings of God to Israel, and will decide to submit to Him, for they will say, “come, let us go to the mountain(kingdom) of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob, that he may teach us His ways, so that we may walk in them-Isa.2:3”. So, here also, the expansion continues with more nations submitting. It is happening in fulfillment of what was prophesied about this time, when, “ the rest of men will seek the Lord, and all the gentiles who are called by my name- Acts.15:17;Amos.9:11-12”. Even though God’s kingdom is now ruling over the Earth, Nations will not submit to it at once. It will be a gradual submission, in the same way a mustard seed’s growth is gradual. To prove this, we see some Nations which will disobey, of whom, it is written, “Then everyone who survives, from all the nations that have come against Jerusalem, shall go up year after year to worship the king, the Lord of host, to keep the feast of booths. And if any of the families of the Earth do not go up to Jerusalem to worship the king, the Lord of host, rain will be with held from them-Zech.14:16-19”. Notice something here please. A great majority of those who profess Christianity have believed a false gospel, which shows all sinners to die when Christ comes. And this is because, instead of following the scriptures, they follow their imaginations, based on their simple carnal minds which are ignorant of spiritual matters-see 1 Cor.2:14 please. So, they will now wonder who these nations are who need to submit to God’s rule, to get rains. Therefore, know and understand that Christ and the saints, throughout the millennium will rule over physical people, the nation of Israel included. It is these for whom, “…Satan will be locked, so that he doesn’t deceive them until the thousand years be ended-Rev.20:2-3”. Bit by bit, the kingdom of God will spread until lastly, “..the knowledge of the Lord will fill the whole world, as the waters cover the sea- Isa.11:9”. Yes, until, “……all the families of the nations shall worship before him, and all the proud of the Earth bow before Him-Psalm.22:27-29”. It is therefore a believable truth that the millennium rule of Christ and the saints will be for the salvation of all those who will be found alive, when Christ returns, who will not have been given to understand during this Church age. They will not die but rather, will live and be judged by the saints; yes, be given a chance to salvation(for details on this, ask for our message, ‘The spirit of God’s holiday’s). Friends, to this far, the unified single purpose of God for mankind is made clear, for those who have been given to understand. We no longer need to be confused about, the Church, or the physical nation of Israel in connection with God’s dealing with mankind, for after all is done, “Christ will unite all things in Heaven and on the Earth in Himself, and then hand over the kingdom to God the father, after removing all wickedness, thus, achieving God’s purpose for man, that of enlarging His one family to rule over the entire universe -Eph.1:10; 1 Cor.15:24; Hebr.2:5-10”. All the differences and discrimination between nations and races, between tribes and classes of men, will be banished. And we will remain with only one thing, i.e, man made into a god, into God’s family, all united into the one mind and life of God. Christians are those who have, and are believing this gospel, and have committed themselves, by God’s grace in Jesus Christ to learning to live it now. They are also the descendants of Abraham who are as many as the stars in the sky; as many as the sands in the sea shore.
What about you? Do you believe ? Believing is obeying. He who has ears, let him hear what the spirit is teaching the Church. As many as are for this truth, grace be increased in you.
This is coming to you from God our maker, in Jesus Christ, by his holy spirit through His servants,