One, is a word used to describe an indivisible something, whether an object or a person. It is also used to describe, an undiffering nature. At any time we take that one, whatever it is, and break it, it will be false to go ahead and still call it one. One is a singular description, meaning, every time the word is pronounced, all that comes to mind is a single, whatever. Here, we want to talk about the only one true Church of God please. Let’s therefore follow keenly and get it if we are given to understand, remembering this one thing, that, except by way of revelation, no one can understand the mysteries of God’s kingdom-Mat.13:11, which have everything to do with His church. God is one family ( read our message, “The only one true God”, in, for details), which has two members right now. This family is so much one such that, they say, me and my father are one; the son does nothing except what he sees the father do, for as the father does, the son does likewise-John.10:30; 5:19. What do we understand from this verses?
Does it mean the father and the son are in one another, such that, by posture, they are one figure? Not at all. It shows how they live the exact same life such that, they differ in totally nothing. Yes, so much such that, the mind and deeds of the one, are the same found in the other, a reason why they say, ….you father are in me and I in you-17:21.It is this one family which decided to reproduce more members into itself and, have many members into its glory- Heb.2:10. These more members are non-else other than all human beings, regardless of race, nationality, tribe or language ( see details in our message, “ The universal family”), who will qualify. But for us to become members, we must first be made like God Himself which warrants a choice to be so by every individual( see details in a message, “ Man’s creation process”). Man made the wrong choice and so, the creation process was halted.
God also allowed it, and that left everyone acting according to the stubbornness of his evil heart- Jerem.18:12. This choice resulted to the present world in which, everyone does what seems right to them, dividing mankind into billions of differing sects, causing the wrangles and wars that have taken the lives of billions. God had to intervene, and remind man the right life for which He created them. As a plan for doing so, He decided to choose a people among men, who will show the rest what He had in mind when He created them-1 Pet.2:9; Exod.19:6. How are they to do it?
The mind of man can only have knowledge by acquiring it from without ( see our message, “ Be watchful”). Therefore, it took, one of the God- family members, to come down from heaven and proclaim this information so that, to those who hear and accept it, God may restore them to his plan of making them family members- John.14:23.It is this one member, the Christ, who begun the Church-Mat. 16:18. What for? To declare the wonderful deeds of God; to make all men know what God created them for-1 Pet.2:9; Eph.3:10. How will the church do this? Brethren, let’s be keen on what God is revealing here, for it is the only information which, if followed, will help us to escape from the right now confusion- 2Pet.1:4. I don’t know whether we are aware of this, that Christ began the Church by Himself, I mean, He was the first to live that life which makes the Church to be called a Church, for, the things that he did( the way he lived) are the things He taught-Acts.1:1.
So, those who hear and accept his teachings, also begin to live and speak like Him. Here, all we are seeing is a uniting factor, i.e, same identical mind and life. So, what was His life which He taught, which makes those who accept it, to be a Church? Listen to the answer He is giving us please? My teachings( which are his deeds) are not mine, but His who sent me. I am telling you the truth which I heard from God- John.7:16; 8:40. Where are we friends? Christ began the Church by living God’s life, to show man the life he was created to live, for which reason he says, I have set you an example for you to follow-John.13:15. By so doing, He maintained his oneness with God the father, and He became, the church-Eph.2:21; Col.1:18.What are we seeing here? Christ is the Church, and he is just one person who can’t be divided unless one dismembers him, which means, he will kill Him. Now the church has begun, and God wants to use it as His display to show all men, what it will take for them to become His full family members. Get it please. God is in Christ( by way of His spirit which makes Christ live exactly like God), reconciling the world to Himself- 2 Cor.5:20. Being eternally unchanging, even after coming to the world, the oneness has continued, and all that can be done for man to become a god is in Christ, for, in Christ are hid all ( not some), the wisdom and knowledge of God-Col.2:3-4.
After being tried and confirmed, Christ begun the work of bringing more members to the Church, to Himself. The first human members were the twelve apostles. Of everybody who hears and accepts, he/she of a necessity denounces all that one has been living by, for they discover that it was a lie-deny self-Mat.16:24. This warrants a from-zero-start, and because one has taken that position, God sends the spirit of his son( Christ) into that person’s heart, from which point, one becomes a begotten child of God-Gal.46; John.1:12.
Does this person begin another group besides that of Christ? By no means, instead, one is put( baptized) into Christ-Rom.6:3, becoming a body-part- Eph.4:16, not something separate, and by so doing, Christ and God the father comes into that person, and makes his heart, their dwelling place-John. 4:23,expanding the oneness from father and son, to that person, for it reads, you father in me and me in you, that they also be in us- John.17:21. So, the twelve were added to that father/son unity, by way of living and speaking the life of the father and the son. John witnessed to this, saying; and this, we testify to you, that you may be united( have fellowship) with us. But understand this that, our fellowship is with the father and the son-1 John.1:3.At any time there is a break from that oneness, one withers and dies-John.15:4-5. It is at this point, when one’s heart becomes God’s family-dwelling place; and so, he/she becomes a Church, for one becomes, the temple of the living God-1 Cor.6:19; 3:16. Therefore, all in all, that person becomes an extension of the same one Christ and, God the father, the unbreakable one family. This means, everyone who comes to God, stops being him/herself-2 Cor.5:15, and begins to become a god-Eph.4:23-24, thinking or doing nothing other than what God does. Even though the first century Church grew to thousands of members, they maintained this oneness, one spirit, one faith, one baptism, one Lord, one God-eph.4:3-6.
How was this possible? Since Christ is one, and each individual puts on the mind of Christ- 1 Cor.2:16, then they become of one mind, one aim, with all speaking the same thing- 1 Cor.1:9-10. It is in that oneness that the work of displaying His life to the world, using the church as his screen- 2 Cor.3:2-3, by which He shows all human beings how they will become the one family of God, once they are perfected-John.17:21; 13:35, is done. This is the extreme opposite of the present world in which, human beings display, a divided, conflicting society- Rom.16:17;Jude.1:19.If we look up and down, left or right, there is not a single godly thing or arrangement that advocates for divisions, because His big plan is, to unite all things in Him, things in heaven and things on earth-Eph.10.
This is possible only if, everything in life is contacted according to the creation plan, which is explained by His word, for by the word of God were all things created- John.1:3; and by the same word, all things exist- 1 Cor.8:6; upholding the universe by the word-Heb.1:3; Psalm.33:6. Since the present world was began as God’s restoration plan, after the first world was destroyed by the angels who sinned-2 Pet.2:4; Jude.1:6; Ezek.28:15, but man was deceived by this fallen arch angel who upto now rules this world- Job.9:24; Eph.6:12, God restarted that plan through the Church, a reason why its foundation ( life) is the word, for, it is build on the old and new testament( God’s word- Christ-John.1:1)-Eph.2:20.
Brethren, we are not our own for anyone to go doing what seems OK to them. We are those who understood ourselves as, God’s plan, for we have been baptized into the word-Rom. 6:4; John.15:10. It is a proven truth that a child in the womb never walks out of it, taking a stroll and afterwards, returning. Any effort to do so is termed, a miscarriage. So in godliness, we live strictly in the word, the only life there is- Prov.4:22; Acts.17:28. And, as long as everyone is living the word, in that womb called Christ, the church in whose womb we are-Gal.4:26, there is total unity in the spirit- agreeing in all things, for we harbour the same mind, for we all share the same spirit, which is the source of our knowledge, by which we live-1 Cor.1:10; Phil.1:27( see details in the message, “ Be watchful”, found in Now, if as a church, we are thus united in heart and mind, in desires and thoughts from which, comes our doing (living), what is there to make us not be, one group physically? Why would somebody want to be separated from another person who is totally his/her like/type?
We are now entering the level of the plain truth which Leodiceans hate, and this they do because, they failed to watch as fore warned, and the serpent has deceived them, by his cunning, and has lead their thoughts astray, from a sincere and pure devotion to Christ- 2 Cor.11:3. We became a Church as a result of each being put into Christ, becoming God’s temple with the father and Christ dwelling in our hearts, thus, being added to the unbreakable one family. Unless we want to make Christ a liar, in this right-now divisions, we have fallen from the family unity, and have thrown God and Christ out of our hearts, for this message we are reading now is, His voice, knocking from the outside of our hearts-Rev.3:20, asking us to open for Him. Since He (the word) is the glue that bound us together by all of us sharing His one spirit and mind, after throwing Him out, we each turned back to where we came from, to the world where, everyone does according to their liking-2 Tim.4:3-4. To prove this, the world is divided and ever conflicting.
Is this not what we, the many splinter groups of God’s church are doing? Hey men! Why have we become so blind that we can’t see such a bright clear picture, and are now blindly following individuals who are spiritualizing away a clear, simple, and understandable language? A division is simply a division. Remember our topic please. Does a language lose its meaning when it comes to the bible? Why are we divided and still denying it? Friends, it is because the falling away has happened, and the secret of disobedience has become the churches foundation- 2 Thes.2:3, 7. In the same way Satan lives by justifying his lies, so is the church doing now after falling victims of what we were warned to watch on. What? From among your own selves will arise men, speaking perverse things(for what purpose? To draw you to Christ?), to draw you to themselves-Acts.20:30. What are the results of following these merciless wolves?
Whoever has ears to hear and eyes to see, let them hear, see, and flee immediately, for the great tribulation is soon-coming.Lets discover the thin, skin-deep-veil, which Satan has used to cover our spiritual eyes with; and let those who hear wake up. After the falling away, groups have risen up with each claiming to be the perpetration of the only one Church. Let’s establish the truth. Let everyone empty themselves of every Leodicean teaching and, let’s all go back to what we believed from the beginning. It is the life of God, working in somebody that makes one the church. No other proof at all. That life is what His word explains. What does it say is the nature of His only true Church? Since that word is its life, is its very nature, then, the church of God is, living because- the word of God is living-Heb.4:12; the Church of God is united, because he, and His life-the word is one-Eph.4:3-6; the church of God is global, because it consists of, every race, nationality, tribe, and language-Rev.5:9-10; the Church of God is continuing because, the gates of hell shall never prevail against it-Mat.16:18; the Church of God is eternal, because its life(word) endures forever-1 Pet.1:25.
The Church’s description is the whole bible because that is its life. Now see the trick if you can. We now have groups which call themselves after the above aspects, and by so doing, they think themselves to be that Church. Was anyone called the Church by just speaking and naming themselves after the word? Didn’t we become the Church by having God and Christ living in each one’s heart, which is proven by each living and walking the word? Why then the effort to portray the word as different and divided, when it is actually one and the same thing? I know we have never seen it in this picture before, and this is why we are comfortably supporting what is impossible, an effort to dismember Christ. Get it please. The wolves’ agenda is for each to draw as many followers as one can, to themselves, not to Christ.
The world is built on self, which is enmity to God’s life-the word-Rom.8:6. Each one in the world is god and so, each is fighting for the control and ruling of others. These wolves are of the world. So, they advocate for and support the worldly way-1 John.4:5. This is because, after falling away, the Church has put on the worldly spirit, and has begun to love the worldly way. Agree with me please. After taking a portion of God’s word, and naming themselves after it, in an effort to prove that they are on the truth, what does each group use, as a claim of being the true church? The word? Nothing is farther from the truth than this. Instead they are building on Numbers and wealth. Whose life’s success is proven by numbers and wealth? The world ( read our message, “ Be watchful”). What does God say about those who base on these things? They are foolish; yes- have foolish confidence-Luke.12:20; psalms.49:13. For this reason, what spirit is driving these church groups? It is the spirit of sin, whose mind is on carnal things, and is possessive-Rom.8:6.So, what we are now calling God’s Church is one that has been taken to Babylon and is living in bondage.Brethren, this is what we are, in the name of these groups, and this is why Christ, not wanting to give-up on us, is calling. Who among us has ears?
Let’s remember what we began to say, that God is one family in which He wants to bear all of us human beings. If we will succeed in going back, let’s forget all else, and follow this fact as our guide. We all have been called strictly into that one family. For now, let us forget everything else, and remain with God and His life alone. Let us stop being careful with self, with our group of choice- yes, with anything that we endear in our right now stand. Let us be like those who are beginning now. We are here in this physical life for the sole purpose of learning to live like God, whose life is His word, in which also, we were created, and so, it is our life.
Christ- the Church, lives in those who believe, to impart His knowledge into their minds, and by it, develop His behaviour in them, yes, to build us until we come to that fullness of His stature; till we become complete-Eph.4:12-13; 2 Tim.3:17, till we be exactly like Him.Gal.4:19. A true Church- member’s concern and watchfulness therefore, has totally nothing to do with, my group, my pastor, my place of support, or even, myself, for he knows very well that, God never anywhere begun a group, neither has He anything to do with them, for He wonders; who is the Living church, united, end-time, global and the rest- 1 Cor.1:12? God’s work, for which He calls His church is solely, to make people to be gods like Himself, and have them rule-Gen.1:26.If this be the case, where did people get this idea of forming groups from? How come we are now very careless with our only life- the word, and have put all our carefulness in making sure we are not thrown out of a group, we are approved and accepted by our minister and fellow members?
What do we want to achieve by that? The friendship of this world which God hates, and will destroy, in a very-soon-coming time-James.4:4.Brethren, let us know and understand that we are in captivity, and the wolves have dragged us into their nets. Yes, they have put a fence around us, dividing Christ, which amounts to dismembering his body-1 Cor.1:13. A true Church member’s devotion and full commitment, and all his life, is for, to be build into that full knowledge and behaviour of God-Eph.4:23-24, and he has only one person to look to, as an example of how to go about it, the Christ, who ran the whole course to perfection, setting us an example of what we will go through before we achieve- Heb.12:2; 3:1. And who maintained the unity with His father by strict obedience-John.12:48-49. The member’s only fence and security is not a group, not a minister, not his strength, or his wealth. It is God’s word, for, he guards his ways be living the word-Psalm.119:9.
As we have just seen, if there is anything God is doing in us, which is the only reason for starting his Church, it is to create us into his life, so as to finally bear us into his family. As many as have accepted this life, have also begun to live it, and have become, one with the father, and the son- 1 John.1:3. Since that word is one, then, after each individual has gone into the word, he finds his/her fellow member there, and by the word, they are also physically gathered into a fellowship- 1 John.1:3,7. This brings us back to our message-topic. The wolves have spiritualised away the meaning of the word one. They say; as long as you are in a group that teaches the word, then you are one with every other person in other groups that do the same. Is it true? Can’t be. One is a solid, single thing.
Its only when you break it ( am using the word break because it is indivisible), that you can come up with pieces of it. This is exactly what the wolves have done to the Church, and has taken it to the right-now, spiritual dispersion from where through this message, Christ is recalling it. No one will succeed in coming back to God and Christ, if we will not forsake and forget everything to do with my group, my minister, or, the way I want. This kind of mind is a divisive design which most of us are unsuspecting. For those whose eyes are being opened as they read this voice, they are remembering that, the only person to look to, and depend on for a successful Church membership is Christ and Him alone, and the only fence that can stop them from wondering out of the fold, is His word ( remember to read our message, “ The spiritual protection”, and, “ Be watchful”, found in
Christ confirms what we are saying here, for He tells us;people will not form their own folds, but everyone will leave wherever he is and come to the already formed fold, and it is strictly, one fold, with one shepherd-John.10:16. Does Christ understand what it means by ONE? Of Course, for He cautions that, there be no divisions among you-1 Cor.1:10. Will we become one by meeting and agreeing on what we want? No. Will it be by conditional persuasions? No. Vultures don’t agree to go where the carcass is. Each is driven by its own hunger and appetite; but their mind and aim is one, and it can only be achieved by landing on the carcass which is one also, after each one has landed, they find themselves gathered there, not by plan but by personal un-interfered-with decision.
Do you want to be sure you have heeded this voice and have gone back to the fold, and are now being fed by the only Shepherd, Christ? See yourself caring for no man, or regarding any man’s position- Mat.22:16, but instead, being careful to live the commandments of God-1 John.2:3,24; Jerem.17:5. This commandments are the very proof that one is the true Church of God which is, living, continuing, eternal, united and global, operating also in this endtime, not the mere branding of oneself as the living or, the united, and the like. We are learning to become members of that one family of God. The qualification is now, not when we get there. Obeying the word of God which is one, doesn’t divide people. It makes them one. It is obeying Satan’s word that, causes divisions, and His effort is to dismember the Church, which, if he succeeds, he will destroy it, for once dismembered, a body dies. Will we heed? Let’s stop this hideous spiritualizing away of the truth, and walk and live in the light of the word-Psalm.119:105; Isa.48:17.