God the creator is spirit. He cannot be seen, or comprehended through the physical human mind except only if it is aided by imported powers. Our Lord and saviour, the only messenger who has ever been to heaven where God lives, and whom God did sent to this world to inform mankind concerning life, confirms to the fact that no one can of his/her own comprehend spiritual things, for he says, “the unspiritual man does not receive the spiritual gifts of God, for they are folly to him, and he is not able to understand them because they can only be spiritually understood-1 Cor.2:14”. Building on this truth, a great majority of those who profess to be teachers of the bible have discouraged those whom they teach, not to think on their own, but only accept what they teach, claiming that, without them revealing the bible to their subjects, they can’t understand it. They have therefore succeeded in spiritualising away the meaning of the bible so much, such that, the bible no longer means what it says. According to them, it’s like; when it comes to the bible writings, the language used in that bible stops meaning what it means. Yes, it’s like, the bible English is not the normal English; it is spiritual. Is it? Are they right? Why the effort to change the meaning? All the prophets, and all the apostles who spoke as guided by God’s messenger (Jesus Christ) through the spirit-2 Pet.1:21, have strongly warned about a people who will come, who will use their simple minds to interpret scriptures( which is not possible-see 2 Pet.1:20), and yet claim it to be a revelation, and we need to watch lest we fall victims of their designs-read please-Mat.24:5; 2 Pet.3:15-16; 1Tim.1:6-7; Jude.1:19; Ecles.12:12. It is these same people who are being used by Satan to, “…by fair and flattering words deceive the simple minded-Rom.16:18”. But God, with the same love that He had for mankind, which could not leave Him to withhold His only son, is hereby coming to the rescue of as many as will want to pull out of these dragnets of the sly agents of Satan. Are you one of them? Then, taking this alert seriously, read on with your bible handy and confirm every information in this message, for it is the only rescue from this, “…..corruption(of the bible truth) that is in the world because of passions- 2Pet.1:4”. It is because of these men of corrupt minds that a single verse of the bible can have as many interpretations as there are preachers applying it, unlike any other subject or issue which always has the same formula or way, that is agreed upon by everybody. Having this alert in place, let’s now go back to our message please.
What is so important and valuable with the bible that we should bother to seek all this verifications from it? If anything, it’s just a book like many others. Why should we be mindful of it? As a wise manufacturer, when God created us, He did explain in fine details to Adam, what we are, why we are, what we should be doing in this life, and where we are headed to. This He did by speaking face to face with him, and afterwards, with men (prophets) whom He chose, for He tells us, “In many and diverse ways, God spoke of old to our fathers by the prophets-Heb.1:1”. After seeing that men were very forgetful, and were being easily turned aside by Satan (our message, “It is Satan” has details. Check it from our web, www.endtimecog.org), God went ahead and ordered these prophets, saying, “…go and write it before them in a tablet, and inscribe it in a book that it may be for the time to come as a witness forever-Isa.30:8”. Witness what? As we have just mentioned, we are products of a wise manufacturer called God, for He says, “I made the earth and created man upon it-Isa.45:12”. So, know and understand that the bible is the manual which God attached to his product (man) with detailed explanation on what life is, and how it should be lived. God Himself wrote the very first scriptures of the bible with his own fingers at mount Sinai for, “..when He had made an end of speaking with Moses on mount Sinai, He gave him the two tablets of the testimony, tables of stone, written with God’s own finger-Exod.31:18”. It is from this ten points that the prophets, and later on the apostles deduced their inspired writings, amplifying the ten points to form the today’s bible. To confirm the bible to be the manual for mankind on what life is, and how we should live it, our Lord says, “All scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness (right way), that the man of God (all men are potential gods) may be complete, fully equipped for every good work (right living)-2Tim.3:16-17”. To further prove that, these apostles were only quoting the ten commandments, God had earlier on through Moses said, “ I am the Lord your God(who created you-see Isa.45:12)……. You should have no other gods besides me-Exod.20:1-3”. Open your eyes please and look at it if you can. God is telling us here how He alone knows us, and is the only one who can teach us the right life, for He continues to say about His written word, “they are life to those that find them; long life is in her right hand, and in her left hand are riches and honour….she is a tree of life; length of days and years of life, and abundant welfare will they give you-Prov.4:22; 3:16, 18, 2”. Why all these goodies in the scriptures? God is simply telling us; “ I created you to live the way I am telling you in these scriptures”, for He says, “I am the Lord your creator, who teaches you to profit; who leads you in the way you should go-Isa.48:17”. To this point, I don’t think there is anyone among us who will doubt the bible to truly be the very manual from God to mankind on how he should live. This being the case, what then is the spiritual being of the word?
God created man to be part of His family, being a god as God is God-John.10:34. But man was deceived before God could finish creating him. He also detached himself from the creator by making the wrong choice, and so, man has lived a life of imagination all through until now. Which life is that? Man accepted a lie, that “.. he is like God-Gen.3:4-5”. This means that man is perfect, fully created, and packed with every nature and knowledge necessary for a good fulfilled life. After accepting this lie, God reminded him, says, “Let no one deceive himself. If anyone thinks he is wise in this age, let him become a fool (accept he doesn’t know) that he may become wise (accept to learn)-1 Cor.3:18-19”. God further confirms that true knowledge can only be found in His word, for, outside of it, He wonders, “How can you say ‘we are wise’……..if they have rejected the law (word) of God, what wisdom have they-Jerem.8:8-9?” Why is there no wisdom outside God’s word? Because life is designed according to that word (the law), and so it can only be known by reading what the word explains, for “ this law is your wisdom and understanding”; for behold, ‘the fear of the Lord, this is wisdom, and turning from evil, this is understanding- Deuteronomy. 4:6; job.28:28”. The law (word) of God explains what one should do to be wise, and so, doing it is the only proof that he/she has knowledge. When Adam rejected that word, and accepted that he is ok without it, then he had to, reject the foundation on which he was created, and begin his own. And what will happen when one tries to change the foundation of a ready-built house? Obviously, he will first demolish the house. This is exactly what Adam did, and what we, his descendants after him are doing. But God is telling us that, all these is a lie, for, “….our fathers inherited nothing but lies, worthless things in which there is no profit-Jerem.16:19-20”. It then therefore followed that, everything man has established, or claimed to know about himself and the life surrounding him is based on that lie. In it, man doesn’t die because He is like God. And all men (except a few whose eyes are being opened) do believe that. This is why in burials, men talk of the deceased as having been called by God, and so has only transferred from this physical world to heaven. And because Satan is very sly, and has the power to disguise himself, and to impersonate someone, he appears to people resembling, even speaking like the one he impersonates, someone who died sometime back, and by this, the lie that men don’t die is sealed-See 1Sam.28:11. In the same lie, it is believed that man is dual,i.e, he is both physical and spiritual; that the physical body is the house of the spiritual person. Since the lie teaches that man is like God, then, it also means, he is all knowing and can produce knowledge on his own apart from God’s-revealed-one in the scriptures. This is why today, we don’t find many people, even the professed Christians, being careful to study the manual (bible) in order to know how to live and do things. As we have seen, all that people do is imagine things and live by those imaginations. With this, men go further and begin to claim that their imagined thoughts, and their feelings are impressions of God through His spirit which is in them. Following the lie, they have then believed that the kingdom of God is already here, that the Church is the kingdom, that when you get baptized you enter it, and are saved, thus-being born again. All these beliefs have no place in the written manual of God. For this reason, man having accepted a lie, that he knows while he doesn’t, he must now seek to pump his imagined life into the scriptures to make them say what he imagines and accepts as life.
The mind of man does not have an inbuilt knowledge. It must acquire knowledge from without, which gets stored in the spirit of man (not the holy spirit), and so is applied in all that man does in life, a good reason why Christ says, “..the tree is known by its fruits( the mind is known by the knowledge it stores)…….for out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks( and so, the body does)-Mat.12:33-34”. With this in mind, know and understand that, when Adam was created, he was neither holy nor evil. He was to become what he chooses. At this point, his mind was empty, ready to acquire knowledge from the source of his choice (read our message, “the purpose of the physical body (life)” for details please. Get it from www.endtimecog.org). Even though there is a spirit in man-Job.32:8, it doesn’t produce knowledge. But it stores everything that the mind acquires from without. This makes possible, the art of reference, and memory in human minds (this is the difference between animal and man). So, whatever Adam chose is what was printed in his spirit, by the spirit which he welcomed (accepted) in his mind, and it became his knowledge. The spirit that enters into human mind, after man’s own choice, unites with the spirit of the mind, and whatever knowledge it pumps into that mind is what man lives by, for our Lord says, “It is the spirit itself, bearing witness( after our acceptance of it) with our spirit…….Rom.8:16”. Even though the verse is referring to the spirit of God, what it says happens only to those who have chosen it. But it equally applies to the spirit of Satan, because those who chooses Satan’s way do receive his spirit which unites with their spirit to witness that they are “…children of disobedience-Eph.2:2”. Remember, without an imported spirit combining with the spirit of our minds, man has neither knowledge, nor, a life of his own; a good reason why we are either (depending on our choices), “..slaves of the one whom you obey(by choice), either of sin which leads to death, or of obedience which leads to righteousness and life-rom.6:16”. Once one makes a choice, then the spirit that enters fills that mind with the knowledge of that spirit. From that point on, the mind can only understand and so accept what that driving spirit advocates for. Anything else outside that is not understandable, and is unwelcomed because it is termed, a lie. Brethren, this is the spiritualism of the bible. It is not the way so many have imagined it to be. It has to do with that spirit which occupies the mind, and the knowledge which it imparts to that mind. It is this imparted-occupying-knowledge which determines what one will call a truth or a lie. If the mind accepts Satan’s suggestions, then, any other thing which does not agree with it is neither understandable, nor acceptable. For this reason, you will agree with me that, it is not the bible language which is different, or has another spiritual meaning, but the knowledge which is imparted by the indwelling spirit is the one that differs with what the bible says.
So, when Adam listened to Satan, “…the spirit (which united with his spirit to give him understanding) that works in the children of disobedience-Eph.2:2”, he rejected the knowledge about God, about himself, and about the life he should live by, which choice, his today’s descendants have upheld. Because of this, “….claiming to be wise, they became fools (they don’t know)- Rom.1:22”. For our Lord further testifies to this saying, “ no one understands, no one knows; all have gone astray-Rom.3:10-12”. So, the spiritualism of the bible is not about what the used language says, but about whether the spirit of the bible is the same one that is at work in one’s mind. For if it is not, then the knowledge about, God, man, and life which is explained in the bible will differ with the knowledge imparted by that lying spirit in that mind. If we open-mindedly look into Satan’s life, we will all agree that, Satan has no original life of his own, because to begin with, he never created anything. All he does, and it is what he has deceitfully taught man, is to simply, go against what God says (and this for the purpose of trying to destroy man), for he and his followers “…..opposes every so called God…2 Thes.2:4”, and this works in the minds of the deceived because they have accepted Satan’s spirit, and so the only acceptable explanation of anything is what that spirit reveals. Now please; think soberly and look at it if your eyes are opened, or are being opened to the truth. Since we know that Adam accepted a lie, and it is that lie which the world uses as knowledge to live the way it lives, do we expect man to know himself after accepting a lie that he is like God? That he doesn’t die? By which spirit will he understand, and so accept if he is filled by that one which opposes his creator? The spiritualism of the bible demands a change of spirit that unites with one’s mind, so that the new spirit can impart a different knowledge, the one of the bible. It does not mean, a change of a clear meaning of a language, trying to make it say what it doesn’t say, being an effort to justify and uphold Satan’s lie because you have accepted it, and so you are trying to make it appear as though, it is God who has said so, in what one will purport to be a deeper spiritual English, or whichever language in use. Brethren, there is nothing like deeper spiritual language. There is simply the clear, and understandable knowledge as imparted by whichever spirit that works in one’s mind, for our Lord says, “It is the spirit(that gives our minds the understanding) itself bearing witness with our spirit that we are children of God( and if children of God, then we can only learn from him-John.5:19)”. So also, it is the spirit of Satan (that gives our minds the false understanding) bears witness with our spirit that we are already like God (and if like God, then we are complete and can live independently). Yes, God created us to be His sons, and He knows very well how He is not through with creating us. He also knows that we need his spirit to understand Him, His life; to understand ourselves, and the life he created us to live by. He confirms this when He says, “ No one can understand the mind of God except the spirit of God”. Now, who is this, who tries to do the impossible; who is trying to use the spirit of Satan to understand the things of God? Or do you not know that the scriptures are God’s own words written by men whose minds were captivated by God’s own spirit-2 Pet.1:21? Please, wake up from sleep and come out of illusions and pray that “ The God who ordered light to be, may also order His light to shine in your hearts, that the glorious gospel of Christ may be revealed to you-2 cor.4:6”. For surely, God stately says, “we must receive the spirit of God (uniting with our minds) to understand the things of God-1 Cor.2:12”. Since it is God who wrote the scriptures using men whom He had given His spirit, which is actually, “…the mind of Christ- 1 Cor.2:16”, then anybody unto whom He gives of his spirit will totally agree with the bible without any slight effort to change anything, for outside that word, that person knows nothing else, in the same way, outside Satan’s spirit, its possessors knows nothing else. If we go by this admission, then the bible is very plain and so much complete that it doesn’t need any importation (our message, “where to begin?” has details please).
We have all been educated in the way of Satan, and so, we know what he says about us, and our lives. This is made possible by his spirit at work in us, inspiring our minds with his lies, “…a life which is corrupt through deceitful lusts-Eph. 4:22”. So, there is nothing we can borrow from it, if we want to accept and follow our creator’s way-the bible. This is because, this knowledge of Satan is based on minds (spirit) which are “….darkened (without knowledge) in their understanding, separated from God because of the ignorance that is in them, due to their hardness of heart-Eph.4:18”. Friends, do we sincerely want to be truly spiritual, and so understand the things of the spirit? Let’s not change the bible-meaning. Accept it and if you are not in line with what it says, and you want to be guided by it, change yourself; don’t change it because you will not succeed, for it is easier for the heavens and the Earth to pass than for one dot of the law to be changed-See Mat.5:17. So now, where are we? What is the spiritualism of the bible? It is simply to accept what it says. This can only happen to those people whose minds have received the same spirit that wrote the bible. It is the very manual from God for you and I, explaining every detail of our lives, which if followed, will enable us to remain in God’s hands, as we carefully follow those instructions until He makes us spirit beings like Himself. In conclusion, here is the truth laid open before whoever wants it. It is to receive the spirit of the bible which makes one to receive the knowledge in the scriptures, and enables him to do according to its sayings, and it is visible because one develops the character attributes of that spirit, for our Lord says, “ you will know them by their deeds-mat.7:15-16”. Having this in mind, let’s face it please. When God created us in this physical bodies, He told us; “…you are dust… and do die; your days are few (except only if you accept my way and I build you further into something different-wording mine), and packed with problems (because you are incomplete). You are like grass, and your right now life is like flower; if you don’t accept this and live otherwise, you will surely die-Gen. 3:19; Job.14:1-3; Gen.2:17”. That is what God reveals in His word, and what those who receive His spirit, also have as knowledge. It is also the proof that the spirit in them is that of God (fruits of obedience). As we have seen, man accepted an opposive spirit. Its knowledge is the opposite of the one in the bible. It says that, “.. You don’t die, you are like God- a spirit being; this body is a house of the spiritual one. At (what the bible calls) death, God only calls you because at that point, He has loved you more to an extend of wanting you to live with Him in heaven. Let’s be sincere please. We have clearly seen what the bible says. Now, can you go ahead and call this opposive talk, a deeper spiritual English, explaining in a more spiritual language the same thing which the scripture is talking about? Is there a greater blindness than this? Every other twisting of the scripture is based on this wrong acceptance, and if followed, it must try to change scriptures in every step, until now, it has rendered the bible to be thought of as a book which almost no one understands. This is because, when one reads it, and instead of simply believing what it says, he/she shifts his mind from what God has said, to what those who profess to believe it while following the lie of Satan are doing. What are they doing? They live like Satan, but carry the bible and pretend to read and agree with what it says.so, one will think that they live the way they do because the bible teaches so, not knowing that, “these are false prophets, Satan’s agents, disguising themselves as servants of Christ. And it is no surprise, for Satan (being a liar) disguises himself as an angel of light- 2Cor.11:13-14”, and so, with the failure to discover their craftiness, one is deceived to assume he/she has not understood the bible, for it truly differs with their teachings and practices. For when they look at these evil agents, even though, everyone has a bible and is reading it, it doesn’t say what they teach, but at the same time, nearly everyone is following them. Now instead of believing the bible, you shift your thinking from it to these evil agents, wondering,” could all these people be wrong?” But now, what do you expect, if all that they know was taught to them by Adam, who accepted a lie? And again, according to what we have seen, if they received that lying spirit, how do you expect them to discover the lie, and it is the only mind at work in them? Think about it please. Also, remember what our saviour said, that these evil agents “…will deceive the many- mat.24:5”; and again, “Satan deceives the whole world-Rev.12:9”. By accepting this lie of Eden, Satan succeeds in making this physical life to be meaningless, which leaves people living without an aim. Why? Because once one accepts he/she is complete like God, is perfect, and is all knowing, what else does one strive to do? Just do what they deceitfully call enjoying. So, instead of pursuing what in truth we don’t have, which is imperishable bodies and eternal life– ! cor.15:53-54, we engage in the destructive activities, the ones we are now witnessing everywhere in the world, the like of drunkenness, sexuality, efforts to dominate others (which is causing wars all over), efforts to possess everything(because we think with them we will live longer), which causes people to rob and steal from others… just but to name a few. And because it truly is a lie, this makes life so difficulty and at the end of it, everyone is dying with an unfulfilled dreams. Look at it from every angle, and you will agree with me that what people are calling spiritualism is an effort by that evil spirit’s knowledge in them, to overthrow the bible, and justify their wrong choice, “….twisting the word to their own destruction as they do to every scripture”. And why? Because, “ they have turned away from the truth(Received a wrong spirit which opposes truth), and are following myths- impracticable life-2Pet.3:16; 2Tim.4:4”. It is by accepting the truth about the purpose of this life which will give us a goal to pursue, and whose education on how to pursue it is what the whole bible (un-added to, nor subtracted from) is about (read our message, “The purpose of the physical bodies”, and get details). Which one? To be made like God (spirit beings-Satan’s lie says that you are already one) so that we can become members of his family, ruling with him forever and ever. This is the spiritualism of the bible. With this understanding, life is very meaningful and you have something to live for, which is to develop the mind of God and His character, as explained in very simple bible language. If you don’t accept this purpose, the bible becomes very difficult to understand and sounds very contradictory. Brethren, the truth is right in front of you. Chose the lie of Eden or the truth as revealed in the bible. You don’t need to change anything. You only need to accept what you choose. IF God’s life- follow the bible as it is; if Satan’s lie- stop even reading the bible because you will not find it there. Just simply follow your imaginations- “the spirit that works in those who disobey”; “ the spirit of the law of sin-eph.2:2; Rom 8:2”. Don’t try what Christ says is impossible- “… serving two masters- Mat.16:23”, trying to unite the spirit of Satan in your mind with the spirit of God in the scriptures. Know and understand that the bible-spiritualism is not about the language but about the life you have chosen to follow; whether it be the one explained in the bible-scriptures, or the one introduced by Satan in human minds which is putting every effort to twist the bible to make it say what they have believed, so that they may purport it to be from God, and by which, Satan has succeeded in deceiving the majority. With this plain clear language, “Stand by the roads and look, and ask for the ancient paths, where the good (word of God-Rom.7:14) way is; and walk in it, and find rest for your souls…Jerem.6:16”. He who has ears, let him hear what the spirit is saying.May the grace of God which works richly in Jesus Christ abide with as many as do sincerely choose the bible- spiritualism.
This is coming to you from your maker, speaking in Jesus Christ through His radio,
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