What is happening today brethren? Is this the same world in which Christ and the apostles lived, preaching the gospel? How come, their today’s followers are finding it so easy to deal with the same people who could not see eye to eye with Jesus and His followers in his days? Could it be the rulers of their days have vanished, and a new brand took over, ones who acknowledge and befriends what their forefathers could not, the gospel which Christ taught? Christ was opposed from the word go until he was lastly crucified, and this, for living that life which He also preached. The apostles after Him, and all the prophets who were before him, everybody who ever lived this godly life on this earth, never found rest till their death, for, “They were stoned, sawn in two, killed with the sword; they went about in skins of sheep and goats…ill-treated- of whom the world was not worthy-Heb.11:37-38”. Before his death, Paul, led by the holy spirit said; “ and all who live godly lives in this world will be persecuted-2Tim.2:13”. He is not saying anything new, for even before him, was Isaiah who said, “ and whoever makes himself a friend of the truth, makes himself a prey of the world-Isa.59:15”. What therefore is not happening today brethren? What has changed in our times? Don’t mistake me please. I don’t like being persecuted myself, neither do I wish anyone the same; actually I wish we could all be at peace, but strictly in the truth if that can be possible. But is it really possible? If God did not give our forefathers the peace we, their followers are enjoying, doesn’t this mean He cared less about them? And will He be the same God who shows no partiality? How also could He have inspired Isaiah, and Paul to tell a lie, that all godly people get it rough in this world? Brethren, let everyone of us open their heart-eyes, and look at themselves through, “the only mirror that can see the heart, the perfect law of liberty’-Jam.1:24-5”, and lets understand, “ the mystery of lawlessness which is at work in the majority of the so-called followers of Christ- 2Thes.2:7”.

                                                                SATAN’S WORLD

                          “The earth is given into the hands of the wicked; he covers the faces of its judges-if it is not him, who then is it-Job.9:24?”(For details on this, request for an amazing message, “it is Satan”, or visit, www.endtimecog,org, and read it there). We all agree to this, that this world is Satan’s world, and he is the author of its civilization. It is God who allowed him to rule it until a time when Christ will come back to usher-in God’s kingdom, when He will also dethrone him. Until then, Satan continues to have dominion over the earth. We also know how Satan became himself( request for the message, “who is Satan?” for details please), which was by rebelling against God and his life which is explained in the scriptures, assuming the prerogative of God Himself, that of producing his own way of life, thinking it can be as good as that of God-See Isaiah.14:13-14. Brethren, this is how, and where the today’s so-called civilization(today’s life) began. Now, this life, “…..opposes every so-called God, exalting itself as God Himself-2Thes.2:4”. It cannot submit to God’s law- Rom.8:7. When Christ came, He began to reveal to mankind, this disobedient life, actually, it is what we have mentioned in some above verse, “ the mystery of disobedience”. It is for this reason that Satan confronted him head on, for according to him, Christ was a rebel in Satan’s kingdom and he had to be stopped, for Satan’s agents said, “If we let him go on like this, everyone will believe in him….John.11:48”.  And so they pursued Christ until they killed him on the cross. After Him came His apostles of whom Satan’s agents said, “these men have turned the world upside-down-Acts.17:6”. And like Jesus, all of them were pursued and killed. This was because, they were proclaiming a life totally opposive to the one by which Satan rules and keeps men at his spiritual prisons, in an effort to kill all of them if possible. Yes, the prophets, Christ, and the apostles were God’s messagers sent, “ to open the eyes of the blind, to free the prisoners from the dungeons…Isa.42:6-7”. Even if it were you, and someone comes against your rulership, will you surely welcome them, and allow him to sway the people from your control? Think for yourself and get it please. It is either, that person changes and begins to speak your way, or you change and agree with his style, or else, there will ensue that confrontation and the strong will have it. It happened between Christ and Satan, and all those who did live godly lives in this world of satan, and because, “ the time for God,s people to rule is not yet-Dan.2;44;7:27”, Satan was allowed to defeat them, thus maintaining his control over human beings, except for the few who believed, who also must live fighting, and being fought throughout their lives in this world. If this then be the case, what about we, the today’s believers of that same message which made Satan mad with fury against those who proclaimed it? Has Satan believed, and so given us freedom to let all men know his deception? If not, have we changed from that original message and are proclaiming another one which doesn’t interfere with Satan’s rulership?


                        God has a purpose for creating man which He must accomplish. We all know it, that of making men, spirit beings that He may add to His family, billions of members, and that He may have them rule over His earth and the entire universe-Gen.1:26; Heb.2:7-8.( I request that you read our message, “In the millennium”, found at, Immediately after starting that process of creating man, Satan intervened and swayed man from it, and God halted the process. So, man remained at that first stage which is physical, and can only deal physically, seeing that it is totally ignorant of the spiritual realm( can you please get details of this from our message, “ God’s work”.). Man also, after accepting Satan’s lie, did not know God nor His purpose for him, and so, the knowledge he gained about life is that lie of Satan. According to that lie, what is life’s value worth? Even though God is the giver, and sustainer of life, the physical man doesn’t acknowledge that, because, God is absent in his thinking. Though we mouthwise, acknowledge His being, it’s only a song in the mouth, but He is not real to most of us. According to humanity’s practical living, the sustainer of life is, material wealth, and the people surrounding them, for, “men who trust in their wealth….,name lands after themselves……thinking by them, they should continue to live forever, and never see death-Psalm.49:6,11,9-Read in that order please”. It is Satan who deceived men into this kind of thinking, so that, assuming independence from God who alone can give life, they may all die and never reach their designated destiny. The aim of all that we do in life is, to live long, at peace, and to enjoy. Everlasting life, in peace and joy are what we get by living Godly lives-Gal.5:22, and is what we will get permanently once God finishes creating us, for, “ length of days and years of life and abundant welfare will(obeying God)they give you. Long life is in her right hand; in her left hand are riches and honor-Prov.3:2,16”. But man, ignorant of this truth, does pursue the same long life in materialism and dependence on fellow men, only to get disappointed when both fail-See Psalm.146:4; Ecles.5:15. This materialism, and people’s recognition are the world’s-life-value worth, and it is a misconception, for our Lord tells those who harbour it, “…Fools! This night, your life is required of; and the things you have prepared, whom will they be-luke.12:20?” Now, this is Satan’s life-value-worth, the value of this present civilization. By it, he(Satan) is very happy because he knows very well that, with man very busy pursuing that, he will remain ignorant of the true-life value, and at the end of it, he will die.

                                                       CHRIST’S REVELATION.

                           “Thus says God, the Lord who created the heavens and stretched them out, who spread forth the earth and what comes out of it, who gives breath to the people upon it, and spirit to those who walk on it: ‘ I am the Lord, I have called you in righteousness, I have taken you by the hand and kept you; I have given you as a covenant to the people(the Church), a light to the nations, to open the eyes that are blind, to bring out the prisoners from the dungeon, from the prison those who sit in darkness-Isa.42:5-7”. This is the work that Christ came to do among a deceived people. He came to make people understand the true-life’s value that they may part from this present destructive imagined one. What did He reveal then, which is what Satan doesn’t want men to know? That, even though His(God,s) plan is to make us spirit beings, right now, we are physical dust-of-the- ground- beings, without life-inherent in ourselves,( and not like God who has eternal life, who doesn’t die) for, “ man that is born of a woman is of few days and packed with problems. He comes forth like a flower and withers; he flees like a shadow and continues not- Job.14:1-2”. This is why, after man accepted the lie that he is like God, our Lord made sure that he understood himself, for He told Adam, “…you are dust, and to dust, you shall return-Gen.3:19”. Brethren, I hope we are very much in our hearts, searching to see whether we are leaving according to this revelation of Jesus Christ, or, we are still in our former life of deception. For those who do accept this truth, that they are dust, “…..nothing-Gal.6:3”, Christ went on, and is still on with more revelations, to make them understand that,( against the lie that life depends and is prolonged by material possessions and people,s support) “ the life of man does not depend on the abundance of his possessions-Luke.12:15”, but on God who gave, and who alone sustains it, who, “..when He takes away their breath, they die( leaving their wealth to others-psalm.49:10) and return to their dust-Psalm.104:29”. With this acknowledgement, these people do have a turning point(repent), and, knowing God to be the giver of life, and the only one who can make them attain an everlasting one( see our message, “the everlasting foundation” please), they have, and are recanted(ing) of all that they have been using as knowledge on how to live and, on what life is( counting as a loss, all that they have endeared-Phil.3:3-7), and have begun to learn anew from zero, and to strictly go by what God in Jesus Christ will tell them.

                                      A CHANGED GOAL, CHANGED APPLICATIONS

                       We are true worshippers of God in Jesus Christ. Have we had our goal of life changed, which also necessitates a change of what we apply in achieving the new one? I know, it is easy to say yes. But am here, challenging you not to answer yourself until you have fully, and thoroughly searched your heart according to what is being revealed in this message. This I say because, a great majority of us live in our former manner of life, using our former applications(assuming we can apply them in this new goal), even though they claim to be pursuing a new goal. Brethren, if we don’t know, lets know now that, this is a deeper deception than the one we were in before, and its why Satan is very much at peace with us. Let us examine ourselves please. In our former goal, we are gods, and have life inherent in us, so we don’t need God; we are capable of guiding our affairs independently. This is why, even though the world acknowledges there is a creator God, it doesn’t follow His creation-manual( the bible), for instructions on how to live and do things. Since according to this lied-about-goal, man has eternal life, then, seeking life is not his goal. Rather, seeking wealth(which is the sustainer of life, according to the lie), and honour by fellow men is the goal, for, according to all men, those who have wealth, are termed successful and worthy of honour and exalted positions among fellow-men(gods)-Gen.3:5. So, everybody is very busy chasing these things, and using imaginations as the knowledge on how to do it. What does this arrangement bring with it as a way of associating and socializing among human beings? Understand please if you are given to, and remember what we said, that, it is Satan’s effort to kill you. Being a god, everybody demands recognition from their neighbour. Everyone therefore is striving to convince the person near them that, they are rich, strong, famous, high-class person, etc. So, the applications there-in are, suppression, anger, outbursts of wrath, hatrate, domineering, fighting, killing, lying and stealing, sanctioning and discriminating, down-playing, yes, name any practice that will make the fellow person feel your weight and presence, which is an effort to prove that, one is above the other- a god. Because of these applications, which aim at achieving that former goal which in truth is a lie, the world and those who live in it are nearing self- annihilation, which is the Satan’s aim of introducing it. For this reason, “ The earth right now is mourning and withering, the world is languishing and withering, the heavens are languishing together with the earth-24:4”. For, by accepting the lie, and pursuing a wrong and non-existent goal, which, unless men turn from it, they will die, we are already at a level, at which, “the earth is now polluted under those who dwell in it; for they have transgressed the laws(rejected guidelines to the true life-goal), violated the statutes, and broken the everlasting covenant(agreement with their creator)- Isa.24:5”. This is what that former goal and its applications has rendered to its followers. Are you really turned from it?

                                                            FROM MEN TO GOD

                       As we have said, if there is a change of goal, there of necessity must be a change of applications towards achieving the new goal. Now, for those of us who have accepted Christ’s teachings about the true life’s goal which is spiritual, we have begun, or have to begin afresh, for of us, our Lord says, “ unless ye turn and become like small children, you will by no means inherit the kingdom- Mat.18:2”. To make sure that we understand what it takes to be like a child, Christ later-on inspired Paul with the detailed information saying, “ if anyone among you thinks he is wise in this age, let him become a fool that he may be wise-1 Cor.3:18”.How do we become fools? God is simply saying that, what we inherited as knowledge about ourselves, and the life we were created to lead “…is a lie-Jerem.16:19”. Therefore, it is very clear that accepting the message of Christ, is accepting to begin from Zero. Where then is that zero point? It is exactly where Adam left it at( for details on this, request for our message, “ the secret of overcoming”). Adam, and all his descendants to this day do bear the image of God, but, the likeness of Satan, for the mind and behaviours which they bear(which is what likeness is about) is that of Satan-“…the spirit that works in the children of disobedience-Eph.2:2”. Satan knows it well, and wants to keep people in that ignorance so that they may die in it. This is why you hear even those who profess to have discovered the lie saying, Adam was created a perfect holy being but fell to sin. By accepting this, they extend the lie even further.

                                        MAN STILL IN GOD,S CREATION TABLE.

                 Those of us who have believed Christ’s revelation about life, do believe that, “…unless the Lord builds a house, the weary builder toils in vain-Psalm.127:1”. Many have not known that they are “…that building-1 Cor.3:9”. So, if Adam forsook God who alone could further his creation, isn’t it true that he stopped where God left him, at the physical level, at which, he had no knowledge, and so had no character? Isn’t it not Satan who took over from there, giving him wrong knowledge, which helped him develop the wrong destructive character? For this reason, once we accept God’s truth, we become like new born-babies. We begin to seek for that which Satan cheated us we have, “…immortality,honor,and glory—–eternal life-Rom.2:7”. And because this is what Satan doesn’t want us to do, then, the moment one begins to pursue it, he/she stirs Satan’s fury. Why? There are those of Satan’s agents who teach that Satan is looking for followers. Nothing is further from the truth. Satan knows very well that, once man is completed and made a spirit being, he will take over from him, for, “ the kingdom, and the dominion, and the greatness of the kingdoms under the whole heaven shall be given to the people of the saints of the most high-Dan.7:27”.  He also knows that, if we follow his lies, we will apply them and never make it. If you want to know, this is Satan’s goal- to kill all human beings by making them follow a destructive course. Anyone who has accepted Christ’s-introduced life has had his/her mind-eyes opened and “…is escaping (by obeying) from Satan’s corruption which is in the world because of fleshly passions- 2Pet.1:4”. And because Satan knows it, he turns all his efforts against such, in an effort to stop him/her from enlightening others. This is what happened to the prophets, Christ, and the apostles. Why then is it not happening to us- their descendants? This is where there is a need for a keen and thorough sincere self-examination, for without such, no one will understand themselves, and we will continue to serve Satan’s interests, only to lastly hear, “……away from me, I never knew you-Mat.7:23”. God’s life is the very opposite of Satan’s life. Satan’s life deals with the physical. This is why, as we saw, its goal is to achieve materialism, and acceptance and praise from fellow men. Its pleasures are also physical; i.e, praises from fellowmen, adultery, drunkenness, and the like. God’s life is spiritual, whose goal is to achieve eternal life with spirit bodies in God’s kingdom. Now that we have resolved to live it, then, the first step is to, “deny self-Mat.16:24”. The moment we deny self, God takes over where He left when Adam was swayed from the creation table, and from this moment, our focus turns from, “ boasting of self, or men,to boasting of God-1 Cor.1:31;3:21; Jerem.9:23”. Our efforts therefore also shifts from, “…..seeking recommendations from men to God-“ 2 Cor.10:18; 1 Cor.4:5”. Know and understand that, man was created in God’s image only-Gen.1:27. Therefore, once we accept His life, He starts to create His likeness in us, which begins by receiving His holy spirit, that replaces the evil spirit from Satan, and by this, we begin to acquire God’s knowledge about ourselves and the life God wanted us to live by. Instead of the imagined exalted self, that of a god, we understand that we “…are mere dust-Psalm.103:14”. This creates in us, the need to be further created, and advanced from this dust to something honourable (our message, “seek forhonour”, has details please). Have you arrived there? If yes, then, you must be experiencing some struggle within yourself. What kind of it? This is where Satan’s hatred for you begins. He knows that, without the control of your mind, he will obviously not control your actions. Bear this one thing in mind please. It is God who permitted Satan to continue being on this earth, “…that by him, He may test us, whether we will be careful to walk in God’s way… or not. So, the Lord left Satan, not driving him out(his agents)…Judges.2:22-23”. It is God also who created us with these physical bodies which are in agreement with Satan, “..which are enmity to God, and cant submit to God’s law-Rom.8:7”. So now, have we really began walking God’s way? If yes, Satan has also began to use your body, the people around you, and materialism to deter you from ejecting his spirit out of your mind. As long as we have not overcome the fleshly pulls, and their applications, even though we call ourselves God-worshippers, Satan is ok; for he doesn’t mind being called Satan, as long as he is the very mind which one is living by. He cannot go to the second stage of fighting us, which is physical assaults, until we have successfully denied him our minds. This is where almost, all of us who call themselves by God’s name are. It is also why he is not persecuting us physically.

                                                             PROVE YOURSELVES

                       Having heard all that Christ is teaching us through this message, is it what we have believed? If yes, then, hear and understand the order by which we should pursue it until completion. It is impossible to start going someplace if one doesn’t know their stand-point. In this case, if we will ever arrive at eternity, we must begin the journey by accepting that we don’t know, for, “..all that we have been using as knowledge is a lie-Jerem.16:19; Rev.12:9”, Satan is very comfortable with us because we are perpetrating his course. After accepting our ignorance, we should also accept that there is only one source of knowledge, and that is God who speaks through Christ by His written word-the Bible. If we do accept that, then we are ready to begin our journey to eternity in God’s soon-coming kingdom, by that everlasting faith. Which? That we are dust-of-the ground-perishable-unfinished-God’s product. We must therefore, like Christ, the apostles and prophets, “ nothing except what we see God doing-John.5:19”, for He is making us like himself-Gen.1:26. By doing that, God will begin to pump his knowledge into our minds, by which, we will do everything, thus beginning to develop His own righteous character. This will make us an example to the men around us, of what God wants them to be- “..a light of the world-Mat.5:16”. By us, God will also begin, “…to open their eyes, that they may part from darkness(ignorance) to light-Acts.26:17-18”. This will in turn, begin to unveil Satan’s design which is meant to kill men. Be rest assured that, Satan will not just watch, idly as you do that. To begin with, your own flesh will not enjoy that, for it likes against that life which you have begun to live by-rom.8:7. For this reason, it will begin to fight back with Satan’s mind impulsing on you to side with the flesh-Gal.5:17”. This is where the fight begins-Mat.4:4, 7,9. If you resist it successfully, Satan will use a different design-his agents, to slander, falsely accuse, despise, isolate, and the like; all these being his effort to arouse that former mind of being a god, and so, make you to try and defend self, which, if you have to do, you must deny God’s truth; a good reason why Christ says, “..whoever tries to save self will lose it( for it goes against life)-Mat.16:24”. If we successfully resist self, and these agents, it is here that, Satan will now begin to employ physical force like he did to our fathers. Where do you stand? Leave alone fighting against other people, most of us have not even begun, not acknowledged that they are nothing and so, they need to made something better. This is why the greatest care is still about self, and why, the word of God hasn’t much room in our minds. What do we conclude then? Satan has not changed his stand against God,s people. It is the people who have changed their stand for God and joined hands with Satan, perpetrating his lies. The everlasting faith demands that people go back to God, and do nothing according to their sensual thinking, but instead, refer to God in all things. Put yourself in it, and you will face the wrath of Satan. This is the everlasting faith, which is almost lacking in the today’s world, a good reason why Christ is louding through this message, His awakening voice. Who has hears to hear? Let him/her heed to it.

      You are listening to this from his own mouth through His servant,





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