The uppermost thing in man’s mind is to live longer. Everyone fears death; yes he wishes he could live forever and never see death. Is this possible?

Nearly two thousand years ago, the God of heaven sent his messager, Jesus Christ. The message He brought to all mankind was exactly about how to avoid death and live forever. He said this concerning his mission; “since thou hast given him power over all flesh, to give eternal (endless) life to all whom thou hast given him –John.17:2.”

It is therefore very clear that the gospel of Jesus is about how man can live forever. So how can it be done? Hear what he says “And this is eternal life; that they may know you, the only one true God and Jesus Christ whom you have sent –John.17:3.”

Yes, if we will avoid death; if we will have endless (eternal) life, it must be through the knowledge of the only true God. This brings us then to our topic whereby we will begin by asking a question.



Lets look around ourselves. What do we see? There are trees of different types. We see different kinds of animals, insects and birds. We behold great mountains some running with snow. We see rivers running with water. There is the expensive ocean with thousands of different sea creatures. Where did all these come from? Who made them?

Men through their scientific research have discovered that life can only come from a living thing. And again they have discovered that; “every effect has a cause.” So, who made these things we see around us?

Great men have lived in this earth. We have read of great kings ruling over the whole world. We’ve read and heard of wise men making great discoveries. But have we ever heard anyone claiming to be the maker of the things we see? Do we know of any man who made, or effected the creation around us? We all agree that there has never been any such claim from any one among human beings. Now since life must come from life and since, an effect must be caused; then who brought about the life and the entire existence?”



The very message of God through the prophets tells us that; “there is a God in heaven who reveals secrets – Dan 2:28.”

So, it is this God who made all things, visible and invisible, for the messanger tells us; “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth-Gen.1:1”.

He continues to confirm it, saying;”You and you alone are God; You  made  the  heaven, the heaven of heavens with all their host, the earth and all that is on it; the seas and all that is in them, and you sustain all of them-Nehemia.9:6.”

This God confirms His creatorship saying; “To whom then will you compare me, that I can be like him? It is he who sits above the circles of the earth, and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers before Him. He stretches out the heavens like a curtain, and spreads them like a tent-Isah.40:25-26,22.”So, after all those details (2psalms.104:1-last) we can boldly answer our questions that,the only true God is the creator of all things, and the sustainer of all forms of existence. This is why endless(eternal) life can only be achieved by knowing Him, for, if we know him, then we will know the life which He created us to live by. So, God is the creator? But one would wonder and ask further. “What is this creator God?



We have seen shrines of stones; the so called ancestral sacred trees, statues of Jesus, Mary and some so called saints. Is God the creator embodied in these things? Does he present himself in this forms? Let’s go back to the messenger and have him tell us for he alone knows since he has been with God. Let nobody else deceive you, for he tell us; “no one knows God except Christ, and no one knows Christ except God and him unto whom they choose to reveal themselves to- Luke. 10:22.”

With this in mind let us know hear what he says God is. If we will understand, we must go back where it all begins; yes, when God had not began to create. He tells us; “in the beginning there was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God. – John 1:1.” At this time the creation of Gen 1:1 had not began yet. Here there was God alone. He had not began to create. So, what do we see here?



We’ve heard teachings that purport God to be a trinity i.e. three in one. But following the information which he gave Christ to pass on to us, we see something totally different. Let’s go back to the verse please. In the beginning was the word. That is one personality-the word. Let’s continue. And the word was with God-another personality. Many people misunderstand and so misinterpret scriptures. Here, it is simple English. To be with somebody, you must be two separate beings, and not in each other.

So, in the beginning, God and the word (two) were together. Here, we see two entities not three; in which case, the trinity doctrine falls head down.


Let’s continue with our verse and see what confuses people most. And the word was God. How come? How can the word be with God and at the same time be God?`



The truth is, God is a creating family which consists of two personalities who share the name. the word (John 1:1) was the Lord God who created Adam and Eve, who talked to Noah, Abraham, Moses, and all the prophets, and who later on put on a human body and became Jesus – see Gen 2:7; Ex 3:4-5; Psalms 18:2; Isaiah 43:13; John 1:14; John 8:28; 1 Cor10:4; 1 Peter 1:10-11. Read these verses from your bible as they follow please.

The other entity is the God whom the word (Jesus) refers to as the father, of whom he says; “no one has ever seen God, the only Son (Jesus) — has made him known .” And again; “……… his voice, you has never heard, neither have you ever seen his form- John.1:18; 5:37.”

If they were not separate beings, then there is no way Christ will say, no one has seen the father neither heard his voice He was speaking those words being among men. So, it is these two (not three) who were from the beginning and who share the name God, being a family name. It is this one family of two who said” and God (one family) said; let us (two) make man in our image – Gen 1:26.”

Therefore, know and understand that God is one, a family which consists of two members. This is why, Christ throughout his physical life talked about himself and the father (the two).



If you take a panga and cut a tree down, do you say your strength has done it? Can you talk of your power to plan and do as another person in you? It is the same with God. The creator- God -family is spirit (John 4:24), which is invisible to our physical eyes. So when he does things, all we see is the effects. The power that he works with is what we call the Holy Spirit, for he says; “he sends forth his spirit and they are created; he renews the face of the earth – Ps .104:30.” Yes, every time he wants to do anything, the power he apply is the holy spirit. When he was renewing the face of the earth; “……the spirit (power) was moving over the face of the water – Gen .1:2.”

He commands and things happen, and yet he says, “my hand laid the foundation of the earth, and my right hand spread out the heavens. When I call to them, they stand forth together – Isa .48:13”

Here, he says it is his hand that creates, and his hand on the verse we saw is the spirit he sends and they are created – Ps 104:30.”

It is therefore plain clear that the holy spirit is not another personality in the God family but their power of operation; yes their livelihood. At this point, the trinity concept continues to stumble and be proven as a lie, a tradition of men.

Lets prove further. Christ says; “as the father has life in himself – John 5:26.” This life is the spirit which makes them one; meaning, they share that one mind which makes them think, speak, and do the same. When one receives the spirit of God (not the spirit with God), it enables us to understand, think and, do like Him, making us one with the father and the son, for he says; “now we have received “………………. The spirit which is from God that we may understand the gift of God ……….” We have received , “….. the mind of Christ – 1Co 2:12,16.” So, the Holy Spirit is the life, mind and power of God, and not another God.



What and why are you? The learned of this world do teach that human beings are animals, the so called mammals. But are they right? What does the creator God Say? Listen please.

God created , “….. creatures after their kinds. Cattle and creeping things and beast of the earth after their kinds – Gen. 1:24-25.”

Here, God is clearly telling us how he created every living thing after its kind. But when it comes to human beings, he said, “lets us make man after our image and likeness (our kind) – Gen 1:26.” Are you getting it? God didn’t say, “let us make man after their kind.” He says; ‘let’s make man after our kind.” There we are. You and I are created after God’s kind, meaning, we belong in the family of God, and not any class ,or type of animals.

If then we are members of God’s family, why are we not spirit beings like God himself? Why are we physical while God is spirit?



God is what he is because he freely chose to be so. Because he created man to be like him, man must freely choose to be like God. Even though he wants a man who is like him, He had to first give man room to choose. This room is the physical life we are leading now. Hear what he says concerning us now. “what is man that thou art mindful of him, or the son of man that thou cares for him? You have made him for a little while, lower than the angels- Heb.2:6-7.”

For now we are a little lower than the angels because they are spirit beings while we are physical beings. Why the arrangement? It is for character building. We are in these physical bodies for the purpose of training. We need to develop God’s mind and behaviors.

Adam was deceived by Satan away from this purpose. He developed Satan’s mind and character (for details, request for our free message – are you Christians?”).

When Jesus who is our pace -setter came, he rejected Satan’s mind and chose God’s way. God in return put His mind (the holy Spirit) in him at which point, Christ was begotten (impregnated) not born, for he tells us; “….. Today I have begotten you.” And God became, ‘His father while Christ became His son – Heb1:5.” In his physical life, like us, “Christ was made a little lower than angels – Heb.2:9.”

By continually opposing Satan, and obeying God by the power of the holy spirit, through much friction from Satan, Christ developed god’s character-see Heb.5:8-9. After obeying till death, God  resurrected him from the dead and gave him a spirit body, at which point, he was born again, for it is written,” and designated son of God “… by his resurrection from the dead- Rom. 1:4.”

The first birth was physical by Mary and he was the son of David- Rom. 1:3. The second one was spiritual and he became the son of God. By this second birth, “he was crowned with glory and honor- Heb 2:9,”and became the first born of God.

The life he lived in the flesh was a display of the course we will go through before we be born again, for he says ; “looking to Jesus who is the pioneer (forerunner ) and perfector of our faith- Heb 12:2.” .



We are in these physical bodies just like Jesus, to train to obey God, by the power of His Holy Spirit and oppose Satan till we fully acquire God’s mind and behavior. Right now we are a little lower than angels. For those who right now  have the holy spirit, just like Jesus, are begotten sons of God, not yet born.

For those who will qualify, just like Jesus, God will Change their (lowly) physical bodies to be like his glorious one – Phill 3:21. See also- 1Cor 15:52.’

At this time they will be born -again -sons of God, being spirit beings as their father.

The first birth is physical through our physical parents. The second birth is spiritual through our spiritual father, God.

Once this happens the God family will expand from the two members to billions of them. Christ’s purpose will also have been accomplished, that of “bringing many sons to glory –Heb 2:10.”

And he will be “………… the first born among many brothers Rom 8:29.”

So, know and understand that all human beings are potential members of God’s family, gods as God is God, for he says; “….. you are gods – John 10:34.”

This is the only one true God and He has hereby explained to you what He is and His purpose for life and why it depends on knowing him. Is this the god you know? If not, then you are worshipping another god who never created you and who knows nothing about life, whose name is Satan, the god of this world (For details, request for our message, “WHO IS SATAN).

This voice is coming to you from the,



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