“ Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever-Heb.13:8”. This is indicative of an unchanging personality. But even with this said, let’s try to wonder and think critically, asking ourselves; “who is this unchanging Christ? Where did He come from? Was He created by God? If yes, when? If not, then how did He come into being?” There is a God in heaven who reveals secrets-Dan.2:27-28, and so, He is the only one who can answer our above questions correctly. It is this creator God-Nehemia.9:6 who sent his messenger- the Christ we are talking about here with some information for mankind about, life and its purpose. On coming to the world, this messenger warned about some misinformed people who will come with information purported to be from God but, will be using God’s name, and His misinterpreted word to deceive, for He warns, “Take heed that no one leads you astray. For many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am the Christ’, and they will lead many astray-Mat.24:4-5”. As we talk, these misleaders are all over the world, and misinforming the ignorant. Among the misinformation they are perpetrating is concerning the origin and nature of Christ Jesus. Remember, like their master- the devil, they quote scriptures-Mat.4:6; quoted from Psalm.91:11-12 because they know them to be the truth, but instead of rightly dividing the truth-2Tim.2:15, they instead pump their imagination into scripture, making them say what they want and not what God is saying. It is these who make the bible look like the most mysterious, almost unknown book. Watch out on these, remembering how, no human mind can interpret scriptures; that, scripture can only be interpreted by another scripture for any clear and understandable information-2 Pet.1:20-21( read our message, “where to begin”, found in www.endtimecog.org, for details please). So, let’s humble ourselves before this God who alone knows everything, and accept whatever answers He will give for our above questions.
For a better understanding, we prefer following everything from the start point, and go all the way to the point from where we are speaking. This way, we are sure to remove any added to, or, to restore any subtracted from, idea and remain with the plain truth.Let’s, in this thinking tune in please. Which is the most ancient information about existence? Before we get into this, remember what our creator cautions; that, “ the secret things belongs to him; that, all we can know is what is revealed in his written word, and it is for us and our children so that, we can be careful to live rightly-Deut.29:29”. Therefore, let’s be very careful not to allow Satan (the spirit that works in the children of disobedience-Eph.2:2) to have us imagine anything into scriptures, but rather take it as it is, “ yes, to learn, not to go beyond what is written-1 Cor.4:6”. If we succeed in taming our minds so that, they take nothing other than the word, be rest assured that, all disagreements will disappear, and we will all understand like the only one true God, and be one in him, thus eliminating all misleaders. Back to point please. Which is the most ancient information in the today’s world? The revealer of secrets says, “ In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God; and the word was God. He was in the beginning with God-John.1:1-2”; I believe, all of us are in agreement, that the beginning being talked about here is at a time when, nothing else existed, except, God and, the Word who is also named- God. This being the case, if we will rightly answer our questions, we will empty ourselves of any thought that we have now, and carefully follow what these two have to say, about what they began to do, which they are up to now doing. By following their activities, we will see how Christ came into the picture, and will know Him as God says, not as what we are used to thinking of Him. We are one step ahead now. Which one? We have only two living personalities; nothing else. About how they came into existence, we at this point don’t know, all we know is, they were there to this point. Let’s continue please. If there is any activity that will take place, be it creation or any happening of any kind, then, it must originate from these two living personalities. Therefore, even the words we are quoting here originated from them. So, what are they saying ? “ All things were made through Him( the word), and without him was not anything made that was made-John.1:3”. We are a second step towards our answers. Which one? All things were created through the word. This means, if there is any creation that took place, it was by the word. For this reason, if Christ is a created being, He was created by the word, for without the word, nothing was created. God’s word, not mine please. It is then these two who bear the name- God who, “ in the beginning( God) created the heavens and the earth-Gen.1:26 ( Read our message, “ the only one true God”, found in our web for details please)”.
Some things when taken from a one-verse reasoning will look more imagined than real. For this reason, let’s be careful to follow our creator’s instructions on how to apply scriptures-Isa.28:9-11, so that, we don’t take a single scripture, and add our imaginations in it, in an effort to make a point clear; and this because, a single scripture in most cases doesn’t conclusively clarify a point. With that in mind, why are we saying, God is a family? ( remember to read, “ the only one true God” please). Even though Verse.1 of Gen. 1 says God, in singular form, when we get to verse.26, the usage starts with a singular speech, and then changes to plural reporting. Hear it please.“ And God( singular) said, ‘ let us( more than one- plural) make……Gen.1:26”. What are we saying here? God, and the word( by whom all things were created), both share the same name, God. This can be applicable only in the case of, a family, a company, or a society- that is, one in which are more than one members.Let’s continue with our listening and God himself will clarify it by the time we will have answered our questions please. So, it is this family of two which “…made the whole world and everything in it-Acts.17:24”; Yes, “….God who created all things-Eph.3:9”. We also here, realise that, it is one of them who did the actual creating, that is, the word. Remember, He is God, and was with God since the beginning. Following up with their creation activities, we find therefore find that, it is this word who is called the Lord God, for it is written, “ In the day that the Lord God made the heavens and the earth-Gen.2:4,7”. Don’t forget what we cautioned against please. To be careful not to try and add one’s reasoning in an effort to clarify a scripture. Since it is the word who did the actual creating, then, he must be the Lord God, for in Gen. 1:26, they spoke together, but when it comes to the doing, Gen.2:7, shows that, it is the Lord God who created man. Isn’t this then plain clear that this Lord God is the word? Sure yes. Now, to this point, if Christ is a created being, then He is yet to be created, yes, we are yet to see His beginning because to this far, he is not mentioned anywhere. So let’s patiently follow and God will tell us when Christ began to exist.
The word, whom we now know also as the Lord God is the creator of all things, and from scriptures, we also have known him to be the God who dealt with mankind all through. Why say this? “… then the Lord said to Noah-Gen.7:1”. “ then the Lord Said to Abraham-Gen.12:1”. “ When the Lord saw that Moses turned aside to see, God called to Him…….I am the God of your fathers-Exod.3:4-7”. Here, we find the two names interchangingly, that is, the Lord and God. It therefore is this Lord God who told Moses that He is, “…..I am,……the Lord, the God of Hebrews-Exod.3:14-15,18”. So now, we are another step here towards our desired goal. The word, who is also the Lord God, is also here calling himself, the “I AM”. David, moved by God’s spirit long afterwards added more names to this personality when He said, “The Lord is my Rock, my fortress, my deliverer-Psalm.18:2”. It therefore is scripturally true that this Word, who is the Lord God, the I AM, is now, the Rock, and deliverer. The Lord affirmed what He told Moses at the burning bush when He told Isaiah, many years afterwards that, “….says the Lord….. and know that, I AM HE. I am the Lord-Isa.43:10-11”; see v.25 also. Friends, up to now, Christ is not yet at stage, and so, we can, at this point say nothing about Him. We must listen to the word, who is the Lord God, who is the I am, who is the Rock and deliverer, who is the creator of all things, to tell us about Christ, and so answer our questions. So far, and through the entire Old Testament records, it is this Word, the Lord God who dealt with mankind. Seeing that God had a purpose for creating, and that man was diverted from that purpose and taken hostage by Satan, something God knew was possible, He had fore planned on how to rescue man( our message, “ the everlasting foundation”, will inform more please).
All through the Old Testament, from Noah to Malachi, we see the Word, Lord God being called the deliverer, the saviour and many more other names connected to rescue activities. See Psalm.18:1-3; Isa.43:11-13; 44:6-8 Etc.When God created man, Satan was already the ruler of this world. God, knowing how He will create man, a free moral agent, also knew how it was possible for man to be deceived into going Satan’s way. Therefore the God family had fore planned a deliverance plan which would involve the word becoming flesh( our message, “ The spirit of God’s holydays”, has details). After man got strayed by Satan, the Lord God began to introduce him to this deliverance plan through His prophets. He began to teach man how sin, can only be atoned for by sacrifice, thus commanding burned and sin offerings-Gal.3:19. But this was only a physical aid to help man learn about the true spiritual sacrifice, for He says, “…it is impossible that the blood of bulls and goats should take away sins-Heb.10:4”. Which is that true sacrifice? All the prophets since the days of Enoch pointed to the coming of a deliverer. Who is He? The deliverance plan was, “ sacrifices and offering, thou does not desire, but thou hast given me an open ear……then I said, ‘ Lo I come; in the roll of the book, it is written of me-Psalm.40:6-7”. Here, the Lord God is talking about himself and how, He will deliver man from sin. To confirm this, long afterwards, Paul was inspired to clarify this verse when he wrote, “..sacrifices and offering, thou does not desire, but a body hast thou prepared for me-Heb.10:5”. Since, as the physical sacrifices demonstrated, that a death must occur to pay for any sin committed ( the wages of sin is death-rom.6:23), the fore plan was that, the word will put on a physical body. This is how, “ the word became flesh…..john.1:14”. The entire Old Testament is packed with proclamations of the coming of the word into the world as a physical being. As early as when the Children of Israel were journeying to Canaan from Egypt, Balaam in the spirit spoke of the Word saying, “I see him, but not now; I behold him but not near: a star shall come forth out of Jacob, and a sceptre shall rise out of Israel…Numb.24:17”. Isa. 9:6-7; Deut.18:15,18; Mal.3:1-3, and many more.How did the Lord God become flesh? An angel of the Lord appeared to Mary.
“ And the angel said to Mary, ‘hail, O favoured one. The Lord is with you……..do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favour with God. And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus……And the Lord God will give him the throne of his father David.. of his Kingdom there will be no end-luke.1:28-33”. Now please, be careful to connect this information please. A son here is born by the power of the Holy Spirit and named Jesus. His mission is, “….to save(deliverer) men from their sins-Mat.1:21”. He also is called “….Emmanuel which means, ‘God with us’-Mat.1:23”. Why God with us? Because the word, who was with God since the beginning, who is the Lord God, the I AM, the Rock, the deliverer and saviour, has put on a human body, “…becoming flesh and dwelling among us( God with us-Emanuel), full of grace and truth-John.1:14”, and it was at this point that, the word, “….emptied himself (not counting being equal with God as anything), taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men……. Humbling himself and becoming obedient unto death-Phil.2:6-8”. It is also from this point hence, that he became the son of God through that conception by the holy spirit in Mary’s womb. So here, the deliverer has acquired yet other names, Jesus and Emmanuel. If we have followed the message comprehendingly, it’s very clear that, Jesus Christ is the word, and the Lord God who created all things, without whose creation, “….nothing was made-John.1:3”. Now please. You who say Christ was created, and here, God says that nothing was created before Christ did it, are you telling us that He created himself? Let’s listen to him as he confirms what we are saying here please. Christ is the word God who has dealt with man since creation until now, and will continue to do so, “..until, when he delivers the kingdom to God the father after destroying every rule and every authority and power. For he must reign until he has put all His enemies under His feet….the last enemy being death-1 Cor.15:24-26”. See also Acts.3:20-21. It is the sin of Adam that introduced death. So, the word began his deliverance work, which he is yet to accomplish. When he came into the world, he said, “No one has ever seen God; the only son( who is in the bosom of his father) has made him known-John.1:18”. What does this mean? It is the Lord God( the word), who is now the Christ and Jesus, whom Moses saw His back on mount Sinai. No wonder He says, “ I am the way, the truth and life; no one can come to the father except by me-John.14:6”. And why? He continues to explain, saying, “ for no one has ever ascended to heaven( that he can claim to have been with God), but He who descended from there( who?), the son of man-John.3:13”. This means, unless Christ tell us about God the father, there is no other way, any man can know God, for, “ no one has ever heard the voice of God the father at any time, nor seen his form-John.5:37”. It is therefore evident that, it is Christ who spoke to Adam, and all the prophets- 1 Pet.1:10-11; Ezek.1:25-27. Let’s prove it further by listening to what he has to say. The Lord God told Moses, and afterwards Isaiah that, “..I AM, I am He-Exod.3:13-14; Isa.43:10”. When He came into the world long afterwards, he confirmed his name when He told the Jews, “ when you have lifted( crucified) up the son of man, then you will know that I AM HE-John.8:28”. After Abraham had rescued Lot, on his way back, “ Melchizedek king of salem…priest of God the most high met Abraham-Gen.14:18”. Who is this and what has he to do with Christ? Christ is called, “…the prince of peace-Isa.9:6”. This melchizedek is called, ‘ king of salem’ which means, prince of peace-Heb.7:2. Is He and Christ name’sake? Not as such. Melchizedek is Christ. This is why He told the Jews, “ Before Abraham was, I AM- John.8:58”. Now, to prove that Christ is God, and has been throughout eternity, of him, it is written, “He is without father or mother or genealogy, and has neither beginning of days nor, ending of life-Heb.7:3”. Mr. Creation, do you still want to tell us about another Christ who was created, who can never be Christ? If this is what God is saying, why are you contending with him? This Christ, who is the word, and the Lord God is the one David called the rock, whom Paul was inspired to confirm, for he says, “…… and this rock was Christ-1 cor. 10:4”. In conclusion brethren, Christ is the word who was with God since the beginning, is the Lord God who created all things, and is in the process of creating his likeness in those whom He has called into his Church. The verses which the uninformed are using to destroy themselves and those who are weak, can only be in connection with Christ’s physical life where a body was prepared for Him, for the purpose of demonstrating in a visible way, the course that man will take before being completed into a spirit being, a good reason why He is called the first born-Rom.1:4, for no one else has ever gone through the whole, “ man’s creation-process”, except him. I believe this is what Paul was talking about when He called him, “ the first born of God’s creation-Col.1:15”. These same people, being puffed up with words devoid of knowledge, misapply verses like, “ the Lord created me at the beginning of his work( remember without the word creating, nothing was created), the first of his acts of old-Prov.8:22”. Surely please, is this verse talking about Christ? Get it please if you are given to understand. “Does not wisdom call….I, wisdom dwell in prudence and I find knowledge…… by me, princes rule….i walk in the way of righteousness…..The Lord created me….Prov.8:1, 12, 15-16, 20, 22”. Brethren, see that no one leads you astray, for many will come in Christ’s name, with the aim of deceiving. Be on watch, for these people are very active right now, doing just that, a people who, “…. Twist scriptures to their own destruction-2Pet.3:16”. This I write to you brethren because, the example we have given above is talking about wisdom, not Christ. But somebody is here, aimlessly picking a verse about wisdom, and then placing it on Jesus, to claim that He was created. Be on the watch, for such people do not serve Christ, but are agents of our enemy. Avoid them and follow the voice of your shepherd, the “Word, the Lord God, the I am, the rock and deliverer, Emmanuel, Jesus Christ who, ‘ yesterday, today, and forever is the same-Heb.138’”. Whoever has ears, let him hear what the Lord God is telling his Church. This voice is coming to you from Christ your saviour, through His chosen servant, and vessels, THE ENDTIME CHURCH OF GOD